Silence Breakers #Q2P vs Without brain (5018 views)

nl highway
de waYne
nl Kockie
se IcEcrusT
be vyndEm
fr AnTho
fr Akito
fr yokoo
fr Tefal
fr asoOk
ESL 5on5 Summer League 2011
Division 2
Group B

12.07.11 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL 5on5 Summer Leagues 2011 » Matchlink
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: FoaMeA (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Not announced
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 18826
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 35


wayne wtf are you doing, we cant play this match tonight. Icecrust isnt online kockie isnt online Im not online.
not rly, because I already talked to blade that he wants this on monday!
the match was forced in esl so i thought we need to play this cause matchweek is over..!!!
Where's outlAw??
Where's outlAw??
Where's outlAw??
Where's outlAw??
Where's outlAw??
Where's outlAw??
Where's outlAw??
Where's outlAw??
Where's outlAw??
gl wayne
back in 5 months :-)
The funniest thing is that almost everyone is french that is talking trash
we can not play this game tonight, lot of our players are not there, sorry. forfeit
it has just been pre-set to sunday, if you cant play today it will just be forced to tuesday yaaaaaknowwwww
so we will play this match later, as u want
im not even from their team, just mentioning it as an outsider
We said it will be played on Monday. Member of us requested it on gamestv whitout asking me. Dont worry it will be played Tuesday I think.
clear it and play the forfeit or other shit, we are go on!
gl highway mate
gl both, my litfish & RIp/AsoOk
Gl blade and wb
Make me win izi money.
waar is outlaw dan?
waar is outlaw dan?
waar is outlaw dan?
waar is outlaw dan?
omg Blade omg

gl wb
gl icecrust <3
np for eenggrshml and jpyokoo
Luck&Fun ice
GL code yokoo
gl highway schatje <3
gL yokoo asook & blade
gl IcEcrusT ;)
Watch out! highway has an ' ' Pushscript ' ' xDx :X:D:XD.XXdDxXD
bind h vsay cheer "where is outlaw?"
omg splth omg
That's why I will be on the server :D
To cancel the match or .. ?
no forfeit plz
gl Ripou
gl yokoo, akito & asook ofc !
HF SxY roule les Antho!
nice ref abuse but
w i o?
According to the rules, so no ref abuse...
fuck this shit
wtf retarded adminsss
You have € 3333 on wb
Bet was cancelled, you were reimbursed.

thanks god, foamea <3
Admin needs to get laid. ?
FOAMEA ILL TELL IT TO AN GTV ADMIN!! if one map is played on ettv u need to put the score from the map in so 2-0!!
fo ^^
Let them put it :D
Oh wait, it's ESL league :DDD
and? they give a shit on the league. its gtv = there rules!
nice foamea wp
Speaking of killing a competition.
cmon ...not again...every time sBz is playing..this is not fun, even when foamea has right
kanker foamea
lawl, this shit again?... ET is already almost a dead game,, so why foamea do you support this
starting to think he bet on wb all his e-money and now when he realized his gonna loose he cancel the bets u gipsy foamea
first map was please 2/0...LOOL

275 € on sBz' Bet was cancelled , hehe :D
its not about money, i dont give a shit on gbooky...but its really shit when every time in sbz matches something is not fine..:(
so much mad! :D
gl en playoffs