#ALMIGHTY.ET vs Queens (10231 views)

be mAus
gb R0SS
gb sqzz
md eujen
gb razz
de kresti
It is a cock fight between razz and ross
game will start earlier
18.07.11 23:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: eujeN (Generaladmin)
Maps: Supply
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Total Pot: € 118246
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Radio Commentary
By: stray
Listen to stray
Language: English

Total Slots: 100
Listener Peak: 17

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 239


Anexis vs Queens
kresti without s1LENT/gr0ss :(
eujen's brain will carry
half TLR no problem for Kresti! :)
Good luck hf both <3
gl Queens
mAus 3on3 :D
HAHA maus 3v3 HAHA
wut kind of teams are these? I dont get this shit, srsly ):
Does it even matter? Gonna be awesome game.
Ye sure, was going to watch it cos of eujen/kresti ofc.. But still..I dont get this line up.
Me neither, but idc really :D
Anexis vs Queens
queens will probs win, they are nerding 24/7 the gimps.
Ah ok :D
he failed to mention the other 2 games which we raged them :D
:D still, come on razz, you've played so many offis this weekend, tone it down a bit!
omg mAus omg
mAus, sqqz , R0SS GL ;))
R0SS vs razz
razz is preparing for next lan to make sure he wont fail!
gl all especially gav <3
You have € 118 on xi ALMIGHTY Cancel bet
Possible win: € 1116.28
gl maus
gl Queens ,especially razz mate <3
mAus > kresti
sqzz = razz
R0SS aim > eujen and eujen brain > R0SS
Therefore Almighty 60% chance to win
lmao i dont get that animation o.o
kresti>mAus? :D
noo but kresti has a sick aim too but maus still the best aimer
kresti = german... ?!
ofc mAus > krest
Nein :( Lass mir meinen glauben. :D
OMG thx for reply. <333333
biste gekommen?
Mehrmals, ja.
nur für dich gewonnen ;)
Danke, ich bin jetzt auch dein aller größter fan <3
so maus>phyzic in aim and maus>tekoa in aim, ofc ofc kk
that didn't even go with the comment ffs, get some skill
sqzz > razz imo
razz has a good aim too but if you wanna compare like strafing , teamwork, etc i guess sqzz is a bit better
but sqzz is definately one of the best overall aimer's
R0SS I am going all-in on you <3
You have € 47485 on ALMIGHTY
Possible win: € 86422.7

i hope :D
gl razz
mAus gonna fuck up LOLOLOL
I dont understand the hate against razz. my money on razz.
maus isnt even in almighty team at CB :o
Gl anexis
queens will lose
nerds vs nerds
real line-ups please
Why ross :/
Jamie is just Kamz trolling-style.
wtf this match only 1 star? gl both
gl mAus
mAus in almighty, oh wait...
Some cast?:D
gl gav ^_^
7K on almighty no almighty GOGOGOGOGO my niggehz
I dare you sqzz!
I'm not castin, I'm just recording Queen's ingame callouts!
gettin mAus to win?
in welchem ts seid ihr stray
în owzo und meinem
well we can say you are playing well now razz :)
You have € 2000 on eu Queens
Possible win: € 9000
wp razz!
You have € 2500 on eu Queens
Possible win: € 11250

wp queens razz mvp ?
You have € 10 on Queens
Possible win: € 45

thx razzzzz
real offi is @ 12:30 guys
get a nose surgery stupid terrorist fuck
you must be cool making fun of someone's looking
why skinny nerds always flaming me thinking that i care :D lol
what makes me laugh kamz, is that whenever someone points out your flaws, you act like the better man. but when youre on vent with youre analtards you post pics of other people as though you have the gift of beauty.

Really, youre just an ugly cunt.
i didnt even read man how u feel
Eujen mvp
wp kresti
eujens rain of brain!
7K on anexis niggers GONE IN THE WIND:(. have to be hounest queens pracs/play offi's like a LOT and anexis yea... dunno not i guess
3on3 suck
wp queens
razz :)
eujen <3
hellyeah razz & co. <3
3 stars :D
razz->the new king,,;)..impressive team play..congrats queens
razz cock harder and bigger
nice game queens
You have € 1430 on ALMIGHTY
You lost

I proud razz and kresti <3
maus cannot into 3on3
kresti > mAus
haha turkmaus shit in 3on3
you said i was a bad player yesterday?
everyone is bad compared to revipod..
indeed, see here in america he's the bestest player to ever set foot on the internets

get in razz!

You have € 100 on Queens
You won € 450

Wish I betted the full 2k:<
gratz razz =)