team-ujo vs Team Decerto (8751 views)

fi hoffae
fi Vermu
fi zerta
nl saKen
nl squid
nl NoHead
01.08.11 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET SW 3on3 Summer 2011 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Robert (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 52671
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 37


oizaL wrong lineup man u bad manager..
man stop trolling :<
who the hell are you and if you are going to request our games atleast add correct lineups
widocznie nie ma kolegow
czy on to wrzuci na translator czy nie rozumiejac tekstu pomysli ze to wiazanka na niego i zacznie wyzywac od jakichs tam polaksow? sucKen, thats right!
nom poniekad masz racje, ale mialem to na mysli ze by wiedzial o tym pan Lazio i zeby on wrzucil na translator :)
I feel madness
SUCKEN... Roba, what you did there... I SEE IT!
mocking names is very rude and I would ban people who does that without nick-owners permission
+1, this one tard at least deserves it
Agreed, when is this community going to get rid of the disgrace of e-Poland.
well, this roba just disapointed me, didnt know he was such.. guy..
Good luck UJO
gl joshua & saKen
Gl nl ;)
wont be played tonight, sucken wildcarded
nl saKen
nl Ati_
nl LavOd
3on3, my favourite
lan winner can into everything
You have € 100 on nl MouseCon
Possible win: € 143
You have € 100 on MouseCon
Possible win: € 143
I hope Ati.. :D
yet again wildcarded, this time by team-ujo
ok, this time it just must happen! :D
match is set for 2100, not 1900.
idd gtv fuck up when changing from unscheduled :x
hoffae :D
Gl Ujo + saKen!
gl ati_
gl Ati_
GL Saken, Ati and lavod =)
gL Ati
gl ati
gl squall
gl squall :)
hangover skills inc?
Mies oli suihkussa, kun ovikello soi. Pyyhe oli kateissa, joten hän nappasi kiireessä kuivaustelineestä yksivuotiaan tyttärensä ruokalapun kalleuksiensa suojaksi ja juoksi ovelle. Kun mies avasi oven, ovella seisovan naapurin emännän suupielet nousivat hymyyn hänen tuijottaessaan ruokalappua - Ruokalapussa luki: “Kasva isoksi – äidin iloksi” :)
gogo NoHead!!! wtf flag XDDDD
no squall :(

You have € 1000 on me UJO
You lost