Team - Zodiacx vs (5946 views)

de PreZ
de Kevji
de mAurice
nl Mott4
fr b3ck
de cAshy
fr AiR
fr Skynet
fr Provok
fr soma
fr AnTho
02.08.11 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL 5on5 Summer Leagues 2011 » Matchlink
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: SexPistol (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 21933
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 25


1st, gl zodiacx
let it be the same war like last time and everyone will enjoy it (= gl maurice, mott4, predi & provok (=
? who arranged this?

We cant pla before Monday 1st :s

Please talk with soma we are all in holidays.
we can't play this match cuz we are in holidays until the 1st of August, we'll use our wildcard for this week, sorry for that :(

btw the lineup might be :

fr AiR
fr Provok
fr Skynet
fr soma
fr Taichi

see you :*
gl mAurice, and no Zodiac!
vive lè baguette!
GL imPluX & Mott4
You have € 265 on zX.ET
Possible win: € 601.55

dont fail b3ckm8 :-)

gl implux mott4 maurice
to much xDDD

Good luck Mott4 <33333333
mAurice and b3ck

Good luck soma, Skynet and Provok :)
gl zodiacx

hf mott4,b3ck & maurice
GL les sticked :{D !!!
Gl Zodiacx; b3ck, Implux, Prez :)
gl i n d i g o
- Taichi + AnTho
It's fr Antho (anthony), not fr An7ho (anthologik) :)
Il commençait a fear que y'ai an7ho en face le b3ck !
+1 I said AnTho
Antho xd t'es trompé de jeux là va jouer avec tes kangourous :)
gl mAurice ;)
dont bet on us, it seems like implux quited et and we didnt prac for some time..not even sure we will have 5 players avi...and ill play rifle most likely - thats the main reason u shouldnt bet on us 8-)
Will be interesting then! Cause we were all in holidays too and I my mouse1 button is broken. Haha it will be funny :p
je suis là si besoin.
je suis là si besoin.
retard not allowed sorry !
TU m'as eu sur ce coup-là! j'm'attendais à ce que quelqu'un dise "pas de busted" ... Bien joué Rodolphe :D
np Farenheit
Fahrenheit* STP mec! Fais pas comme si tu ne me connaissais pas! :D
well u can always count on me getting some teammates killed with rifle :D
np i'll carry the team........ (trololo)

scarzy is sleeping at my place tonight. He can replace me to frag hard go pro, np :D
gl sticked
cashy, kevji would be hard on ts :D
You have € 136 on eu sticked
Possible win: € 238
easy for frAir
la course avant tout
ça va de soi(e)(t)(s)
Will be interesting :) gl both
izi pour les campeurs HF
même pas t'es passé dire bonjour noob !
>> 250km >>> hola cabrones! >>> 250km sup?
have fun kevjiboy
cashy from pro* ?
You have € 100 on zX.ET
You won € 221

gg wp
thx for emoneyzzzz
You have € 5 on zX.ET
You won € 11.05

very expected
You have € 34 on zX.ET
You won € 75.14
Thx :)
cashy in gtv lu = totally win