Team Dignitas vs The Last Resort (42048 views)

ee Night
ee r3vers
ee Reload
si Jakazc
de Urtier
de Senji
hr aCozz
cz marv
be mAus
be dav1d
es Winghaven
lv Clown
ClanBase EuroCup Winners Bracket Semifinal
24.05.07 21:15 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET EuroCup XV
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Adacore (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Not announced
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Viewer Peak: 1,477



gl sergi =)
du bist cool, vollidiot
easy to tlr :P
gL be mAus & dav1d
<3 Night and <3Wing O_o Duuno Who to bet :|
gogogo TLR dignitas sux gl mAus & Clown
izi bash for tlr
Your bet: 16€ on TLR
Possible Win: 61.28 € (+45.28 €)
ajde pozuri cetine aCoz!!
GL TLR!!!!!

GL from
ahahahahahahahah :D;D;D,d,,d,:D:D:D.d..Dddd
GL from Winghaven 2nd Biggest fan!:D
This should be the match of the century!
couldn't agree more!
insanity vs. saevus was more interesting belive me
eazy bash for tlr
GG gl TLR repeat performance from the lan if you dont mind.. :D
<3 wingy <3 maus
go dignitas!!!
easy for TLR, but Urtier > all :D
omg its EC final allready ? :)
imo Juris will take this !!!
Your bet: 159€ on dignitas
Possible Win: 273.48 € (+114.48 €)
everybody says "easy for TLR". then why are bets favouring dignitas? oh w8...
it wont be easy for either team and on paper digi are better but i still think TLR will win this match

btw speedy its actually the semi final ( winners bracket )
Gonna be a very good 1.

Think TLR will take it though
winghaven @panzer > dignitas
Your bet: 20e on TLR Possible Win: 50.40 e (+30.40 e)

Go Wingje & mAus!!
Don't tell me you lost again xD
i did :D knew i was gonna lose it but care :p
easy for dignitas
i must say this EC is rly n1 and interesting :)
wing+maus = gg tlr
TLR. althought digni got his full lineup i still think TLR takes this
Exciting match :]]
shudda be nice...
TLR Prawns:
TLR 4 - 0 Impact
Impact 4 - 0 Dignitas

dont make me laugh
was @ LAN , this is something different :)

i want to see reload with ping 50 again tbh , this lagskill sucks :)
Dignitas - Impact 4-2

But Impact without Xpaz :)
It's gonna be interesting, but imo Diginitas have this in the bag :) GL to both teams.
what's the other semifinal?
other semi was cadre vs polar but it was played very early as perfo had to go abroad
be mAus > all d. players .
d. teamplay > be mAus
d.teamplay + individual skills < TLR.teamplay + individual skills

xD est joke ever.
nobody can beat d.'s teamplay
But allover performance? TBH i'm betting for TLR
well ye, that could be, but i would bet for d :>

lets see what happens

i hope it wont be such a lame, boring and disappointing match.
4-2 for d i hope :>

i mean first i hated d, cuz they were so good xD
it was just boring.
but i rly cant stand tlr. i see them as dumb idiots with a pro aim. i know its not like i think, but i still cant stand em :D
hahaha :D
Well i'm pretty sure the result will be 4-2, but i'm not that sure who gets the 4 and who gets the 2..
I'm hoping for TLR though, because it would be a really good thing for the community to show that dignitas(with its full lineup and no bad excuses) actually are beatable.
you're such a tard
replying to me?
ROFL nice slots!
Dude... It's in 4 days, stop moaning about slots...
d. has atm no chance against tlr
gl clown aka mr. piragas =) (inside joke plz :D)
gonna be best match ever imo !! please beat the slots record ! =DD
needs more slots indeed
C'mon Tosspot.
We want you to shoutcast this game :D

I can't watch a match without hearing u screaming :D
QuadV>Tosspot imo
no pl doktor no cure
Gl to both Teams :>
dignitas takes this.
gl acozz
match of the year tbh :o 50 e on TLR!
nice match ^^
don't wanna miss this one
GL to both teams, but I hope TLR will take it:D
with reload back, and no sol in lineup, dignitas is back to their old times;)
all my money on them (sry marv <3)
yes i and i think they will win 4:2.
izi 4 d.
nice pot. i think everyone's waiting for others to see how the odds are going to look like =D (at least i am ;[)
TLR stand no chance against the old line up :) simple as...well, tlr are good, and depending on map, if its a map tlr are good at then that might be close.
dignitas > TLR
Juris will take this !!!
gl TLR
this will be a match with a decider i think
gl dignitas
easy bash for dignitas fo sho....
gl TLR
gl marv
maus + in form wing = gg TLR, nuff said :D
gl TLR, hope you will win
huh, nice match
Its good too see equal odds for a match where dignitas plays !

Match of the Year !
go dignitas11! <3

full lineup = UNBEATABLE (especialy with reloads uver lagz)
i rly don't now, think that the factor 'luck' is gonna play with them in this match
gL Dignitas <3
Night pwns <3
my money on dignitas...the good old team with night and reload will beat in a tough match tlr!!
but <3 mAus ;)
Gl Idle
We'll see a wonderfull war for sure, GL both ;)
go dignitas!
both teams at full strenght, probably 2 best teams around, GL!
could be better than d. vs i'
go bedAv1d :)

4-2 Dignitas imo
4-0 dignitas, but something is really strange how come RELOAd has 125 ping since he is in dignitas. He had stable 48 ping while playing for kujuneb -> netlimiter ;')
wireless inet.
Didn't he go wireless and start using a laptop in sFx or before?
I'm trying to think when :D
thx for the info m8
bronZe, he is playing with WIFI :<
cba with missing out on this one also...
hope dignitas wins xD never saw em play xD
dignitas will go the old road and pwn them...ofc i mean unfortunately...
Anyone know the maps yet?
if it will be better than the impact-dignitas match >> match of the year
mashed!!! :D :D :D

Your bet: 2000€ on TLR

gl aCoZz and dAv1d
go for it dAv1d !!!!!
woot mashed!
gl TLR:) i am counting on you... oh one more thing Wing nice fragmovies especially the last one expect the unexpected:)
imo cadre and d. are the best two teams now not TLR or i' cadre is playing better and better every match
Are you stupid? Rofl, cadre is better cuz once pwned dignitas? Please... get lost:<
NO im not stupid and i rly think that d. and cadre are the best teams... oh one more thing don't insult me..
plz go to school =/
dignitas ofc
will go to decider, and i expect to see some multikills by winghaven !
GL aCoZz and Clown
tlr and wing will take it <3
maus > night so d. have no chance
Teamwork > One man skill
Hi, First Euro Match for #NerdVibes Radio GL Teams!

Bonjour, 1er match euro pour la Radio #NerdVibes Bonnes chances aux 2 équipes!
More radio please! 5 ain't enough!! -_-
gl dignitas
<3 Mashed, money on TLR <3

200 slots added
hf both
we need dokter, since clown is back tlr isn't performing as well as at the LAN
TLR ftw
nobody know how excited i am...boa...cant it be now about 8 pm??its gonna be the most interesting match ever, right?
Your bet: 186€ on gbTLR
Possible Win: 405.48 € (+219.48 €)

GL gbDignitas !
night > tLR cause even razz > tLR
"Cut my life into pieces, this is 'The' Last Resort"
very interesting
hmm, go TLR my moneys on you! mainly because i need some profit :D
fun fun
It would be just like insanity! vs. saevus EC X Grand Final, fucking intersting :>

This is real grand final :D, altought it is only semifinal of winners bracket, gl both,gl marv
Dignitas eazy bashhhh
With impact out of the picture, the grand final will probably have the same teams going at eachother, that is unless polar really turn up the heat
czemu Rhadzio nie shoutujesz dla mnie? omg jakis Soczek bedzie za ciebie to robil i bedzie pierdolil smuty w tym radiu jak ostatnio...
ano widzisz tak jakos wyszlo :d kto pierwszy ten lepszy:)
eazy for dignitas
close match but dignitas will win
desu desu
stop fake me biatch !!!
Easy bash for TosspoT
Well isn't that funny
two slots more
who could that be?
Open Bets: 1 Pending Money: 3867702€
Total pot: 4122447 €

Gl mAus, aCozz etc <3

But still Your bet: 7€ on dignitas
Possible Win: 222.32 € (+215.32 €)
Lol at odds.
team-dignitas 31.47 vs 1.03 The Last Resort Total pot: 4124673 €
Your bet: 9€ on dignitas
Possible Win: 283.23 € (+274.23 €)

dont change odds plz :x
Match of this EC imo, GL to the Belgians, allthough I see dignitas taking the victory
i bet @ dignitas. maybe this time they gonna win..
gl TLR!
go! Wing go!
would rather go to rugby and enjoy the weather than cast today sorry :<
we'll miss u! :<
nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :(
be mAus > *
Your bet: 5€ on dignitas Possible Win: 138.60 € (+133.60 €)


Your bet: 37€ on dignitas

Possible Win: 1,026.01 € (+989.01 €)

go dignitas go :D
gl urtier
gnadenlose zerfickung der dignitas lowraff$
Your bet: 1600€ on dignitas
Possible Win: 42,544.00 € (+40,944.00 €)
Your bet: 100€ on dignitas
Possible Win: 2,565.00 € (+2,465.00 €)

easy for TLR + reload lagging ;x
its true final btw =]


If bets freeze now, ill get more money than i ever had by just one match! :D


gl d.backpath
Your bet: 56€ on dignitas
Possible Win: 1,344.00 € (+1,288.00 €)

rly ?

nice guy which has a lot of money and put all on TLR to change just before the war :p
xDDDD i will cancel :pppp
Don't change, or send me some money...

Edit: GBooky Capital: 7738437 € OMFG i'm poor, i'm poor everywhere.
team-dignitas 23.91 vs 1.04 The Last Resort Total pot: 4160571 €
Your bet: 20€ on dignitas

Possible Win: 478.20 € (+458.20 €)

omG !?!? Dig ftw !
I'lold @ odds
Go! Go ! Goooo! my little Rabbit
ilu z nich obciagnelas juz,kreci cie moze Reload?? A nie chwilowo gustujesz w TLR... Rofl
hahah czekalam na ten koment:) buzka<3
guys i think we'll see a big surprise tonight =)
-this is no cpc2 anymore !!

Your bet: 5500€ on dignitas
Possible Win: 119,185.00 € (+113,685.00 €)
5500 so viel willst setzten^^ ?
es war das höchste was ich konnte.... die andere hälfte hab ich verloren, weil sich diese cheaterbande von pro5 gegen Impact durchgehaxt hat ;D *joke*

auf das spiel würde ich soviel setzen wie ich könnte... entweder ganz oder garnicht :P
Na dann viel Glück
Naja 5500 verloren, schade ;)

ich habe 1000 gewonnen^^
will see
Your bet: 163€ on dignitas Possible Win: 3,134.49 € (+2,971.49 €)

I know dignitas have been down and loosing many, but it's time for them to pull their fingers out and take down #2 TLR ;) <3 hehehe - good luck to both participants and gL urtier and senji + sexy spanish winghaven!
Your bet: 250€ on dignitas
Possible Win: 4,575.00 € (+4,325.00 €)
I still trust
imo better than dignitas ;>
YES. We will seen it, but i think that TLR win this match 4:2 ;))
team-dignitas 16.58 vs 1.06 The Last Resort Total pot: 4213815 €
Your bet: 5€ on dignitas
Possible Win: 82.90 € (+77.90 €)

d !
GO TLR you can do it !!!!!!!! all my money on you !!!!
LOL need more slots? WTF odds on TLR have crashed and my bet has gone to shit
my money on dignitas but i hope i lose my cash
lol @ bet's :D it's 20.15 d. and TLR 1.20 few moment's ago, now it's d. 1.26 TLR 5.01 :DDD
match is off !!!
1760. slots more plz ?
aCozz <3 gl TLR :))
Total Slots: 1985
one more server..i want 2000+ slots
EDIT: Total Slots: 2010 woot :DD:D:DDD:D:D:D
Total Slots: 2260

D. is gonna take it :P
gay odds -.-
4-0 Dignitas
moreeeeeeeeee slots ! xD
team-dignitas 1.78 vs 2.27 The Last Resort Total pot: 637512 €
Your bet: 2200€ on dignitas
Possible Win: 3,916.00 € (+1,716.00 €)
2:0 dignitas @ frostbite
2-0 dickniggas
That was hands down the most stupid rambo move since Azzors supply crane controle fuck up years ago.
agree, cause they had it in the bag if mAus had waited :)
teKoa's supply crane fuck up*
How can i connect a broadcast server?
/connect ip!?
On irc?
you mean the server where the clans plays or the shoutcasts(radio)?
The broadcast server like #snd-gaming Ettv,....
copy the ip and connect in et...
4:2 TRL
good game
2-4 gg
6-0 tlr
"TRL" got that point
you edited it
Your bet: 390€ on dignitas Lost
viewer peak 1477 :o

gg TLR
maus hax zomg
4-2 tlr
ironic.. everything was ok, until u tried to spell grammar :D
Wing <333333333333333333333333333333

Now I'm even more

expected, gg! <3 mAus
I swear I'll never bet on dignitas anymore
Tnx for this amazing game! top of the bill. Pls arrange this kind of matches every evening.
gg :<
Your bet: 1000€ on TLR Won 2350.00€
thanks winghaven and co :P
Oh issand jumal.
Maybe ongi parem , siis hiljem parem raapida neid vitukaid.
d. got raped :)
n1 ETTV night :) peak is great

wp d and gratz marv and company :)
Lekker David, ben nu alleen m'n geld kwijt :[
Your bet: 35€ on TLR Won 82.25€
omgoat :(
what is this? ... madness?

or why did dignitas even lose WITH their motor called night ?..

this is SPARTAAAA!
wp TLR
crossfire down btw ? :s
lol @ winghavens 540 double kill... nice 180 degree script!
Your bet: 5000€ on TLR Won 11750.00€ np
R3vers last comment " Eat shit ", besides that , awesome game
Wouldn't you think the same in his position? :D
was only because some TLR lowbie made a remark about reloads ping overloaded right now (too many connections :))
wp dignitas

On frostbite I hit so hard the table and on bremen I played it with the red hand =(
yo did wäll wing!
slap maus
blame me for losing frost ;E gn8 shitgame
i blame u for winning bremen and grush, not for losing frost :<
Tosspot called you the most annoying player ever with your nades :)
dont cry baby, life is brutal. too many sql connections.. xD

An error has occured:
» Could not connect to the MySQL database: Too many connections
so izi money thx tlr
Wing, you can be proud @ your mates. They won, while u were hitting tables. :P
but he also said "you gotta love him" wing :D....."like i said before, the msot annoying player on et, but you gotta love him" :D
GG wp, sorry for server issues before the match !
TLR took a desereved victory.

Most exciting moment in the match: Reload taking down maus in the transmitter-room. That was f**king awesme. (And on the next map his ping went up by ~50 :( )

POTM: Winghaven: no-single frags, only double or triple, wp, nice mg @ bremen

The match was over when dignitas couldnt get anywhere in breen

jeez, sux
and respect goes to Juris !!!
dignitas just /quit otherwise you will not respect yourself in the morning after the day you called it a day

it has been nice as
they lost 4 matches in the last 2/3 months, after being undefeatable for over 365 days.

All they have to do is train again, because teams get better by training, and not by quitting after losing 4 matches.
they dont prac anymore as often as they used to :p
reload plays too much CSS ;)
thx 4 money :>

lovely nades, lovely game, lovely result

I LOVE UUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
snapt, wd tlr
sad panda >:

i lost my money again ;'(

now im poor , new account incoming
this make ettv games back interresting, dignitas isn't the overal pwner anymore
they will be, dont worry ;)
wp TLR
wp but my money ;(
rly wp
a very gg, besides i was really excited of wing's panza-mouse-twist-skill :DD
its graet to see tlr beating dignitas though i lost my money ^^
i lose my money...but wp tlr :D
Your bet: 8€ on TLR Won 18.80€
wtf 8 euro? chelsea not paying u very well right?
loool : ) ya
GJ second round(fb) reload. lol.