head hunters vs xZist - Gaming (3936 views)

pl ridji
pl hunter
pl Elviss
gb owzo
gb Jinosta
gb Artstar
27.07.11 13:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: owzo (Generaladmin)
Maps: Supply
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Total Pot: € 8135
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 41


GL Both!
gl both but jinosta delivers. :)
gl ridji, stary pedofilu
ridji pokarany nozykiem

arstar ur skill? low....? NAB.

GL jnst IZI UK
gl xZist , ridji
5:3 head-hunters
jestes z siebie dumny? rzucanie nejdow 10sec po respie +1 buheheheheh

fuksy sie nie licza jebane cienkie bolki :h
cisniesz wszystkich dookola, wez zejdz z fejka :- }
nawet jakby zszedl to nic nie da :XDDDDD
Jinosta Son, Im dissapointed.
5:3 :h , gimme my money
dont you people have like.... life?
art u noob
Are these pliers sharp? xzstar 14 deaths without fragging