Belgianlions vs zeroskill (5888 views)

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09.08.11 21:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 5on5 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Dead2 (Requestee)
Maps: Karsiah_te2
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 16758
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 18


gl hf samraj
dacie rade
:) - na trenach z nimi wygralismy spokojnie - ale roznie to u nas bywa
tez z nimi wygralismy, 4:2, oczywiscie mielismy golda w plecy :)
gl zs
izi for juicy :) GL!
gl samraj
gl leeuwen :)
gl juicy ;)
easy zs
gl ecklav
gl juicy
nickj & ecklav !!!!
GO GO zs !
gl buzka! :D
Przygody Prosiaka Prawiczka I Dinozaura Alfonsa Podkład cz.2
gl samraj
gl ecklav and bytheway
gl bytheway :)
uNDEAd needed.
sNi needed.
gl zefir , jedz na lana
na chuj mi wyjazd na lan'a? ;x
juz ci mowilem
No thx,nie mam siana i nie jestem zainteresowany :d
no jak to na chuj, nie wiesz ze na lanach mozna uzyskac darmowe myszki itp? podobno same wpadaja do rak :)
TechPro chodzi o cos innego :DD:D:
techowi - odmienia sie ;o , mleko dobrze mowi
Dobrze przepraszam O_o jakoś nie potrzebny mi darmowy stuff
- zrob to dla niej , pojedz i wygraj lana , wtedy zmieni literke z F na Z !

PS. wiesz jak dobrac sie do grubej kobiety??
Ble kurwa :x oszczanym kijem bym nie tknal !
zajebista dupa ;/ co ty chcesz
OK zamykam temat.
moderator jebany ;DDDDDDDDDDDDD
Succes lions!
You have € 100 on beLIONS
Possible win: € 354
Gl Skype ;)
Thx Skype :DD
2 bad u didnt get ur money :xxxx :((

expected :)
izi money :(
You have € 100 on LIONS
Possible win: € 354

zapowiada sie najdluzszy mecz ;D
Due to the requestee not entering the score and finishing this event after the match, the demos now include what appears to be scrims that take place after the match. Event cancelled as a result, all complaints to Dead2 please!
THX dead2

You have € 250 on be LIONS
Bet was cancelled, you were reimbursed.

i want my ~900 euros
finishing this event after the match?
umawiaja sie a potem daja dupy brawo