vs (3847 views)

Match for third place

Admins failed to provide Clan names / ettv details.

Match marked as cancelled!
20.05.07 18:45 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: #sonatix 1Day 6on6 Cup
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: lblbw (Requestee)
Maps: Radar

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i will win it
i think unkown 2
pds Friday, 18th May 2007 16:10 Reply

Fock off kiddies with useless comments artarded kid ffs

n1 mate :)
Now he is like.. "SHIT"

Or should be >_>
ur l33t imo

was not my intention mate

i just wondered why u posted that if you do it yourself :)
i guess so?
umm if minstrel are here ill put money on them!

maybe u will be banned
een attentie hoer
ettv servers?
agu vs serenity
Interesting ETTV thing
ip pls
match canceled <3
nice admins :D