unforgiven vs aimmm (3952 views)

Good luck to you pretty,hope some day u gonna play also in a good team or idk...maybe i catch u sometimes on the pub.Good luck with your life!
31.07.11 18:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL Int. 1on1 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: unforgiven (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced
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Total Pot: € 1228
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 8


gl pretty
gl aimmm
gl aimmm
You have € 305 on aim
Possible win: € 549
gl unfo <3
u are that person with slac id luluisdumm??
unfo!!!!!!!!!! GOOOD LUCK MAN.:)
thanks hypno.how s your life man?
Rofl Shitnerds :<
unforgiven is still alive?
Not gl unforgiven , http://etro.nimbus.ro/?q=node/294#comment-4388 enjoy ;D
thanks djos,but i really dont see the point of your statement.btw luna said u are to low at the time u was playing ,and that u are nice guy but to low for the team...so of course i took cojiine in your place.don t be mad cause of that bro
Lol xD I love your movies, YOU MAD ? YOU WHINE ?
i dont understand a word from what u said from the begining till the end.so idk what to answer you
OKEY dude, alors suce ma bite pétasse tu aura de l'eau de Cologne!
Belle preuve d'intelligence :):)
Belle preuve d'intelligence :):) tu m'étonne, sa se voit que tu connais pas l'autre bouffon qui rage la!
aim nub, easy for unfogiven
nejm nub, easy for aim
umad, in ur dreams. its med unforgiven vs low- aim
I want see
epic battle 1o1
oh wait! nejm an gtv? ;o
an gtv, u english speak well wery. get lost.
gl Pretty
gl Unfo
mercy stu
love you unfo <3
love u too if u tell me who u are
made me giggle
your worst nightmare, bubbz
end it fast, need my moneyz...
i m sure u made a lot of money and u also gonna be able to spend them
im sure u are mad.