Queens vs idle.ee (8499 views)

gb razz
de kResti
de stray
md phyzic
fi Squall
fr karnaj
ee anderson
29.07.11 02:15 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Andersonnn (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced
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Total Pot: € 19137
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 70


gl razz & kResti
queens gone low. sad day
don´t want to be mean or anything but stray isn´t good enough to be playing with and vs guys like that.
saying truth is never mean, dont worry
i like stray alot hes a decent guy but sadly hes not on the same level as the other 5 players :p
Stray out phyzic in ;)
eujen > phyzic
in what universe?
not aimwise but clearly, with razz and kresti i think he fits better in the team
phyzic = damage whore as medic
eujen = brain whore as eng

U can't compare them u stupid cunt -_-'
brain who?
u understood btw

phyzic can't play eng as eujen can
all i understood is that going from ur calculation the next one would be eujen+phyzic=stray
I'd pick phyzic 100 times out of 100 over eujen, for any situation. Except of course, to make a 5 footer on the golf course (cause he low+ max thur)
thx for the input m8
te sent pas obligé de m'insulter, et comme je l'ai mis dans mon reply pour phyzic, si je dis ça c'est juste parce qu'avec deux damagedealer que sont kresti et razz pas besoin d'un troisième mais plutot d'un mec comme eujen pour tout ce qui concerne les objs toussa.
touches pas a Xae mon pote toi !
Voila la je suis d'accord avec toi , mais phyzic ne pourrait remplacer que razz ou kResti , eujen à sa place dans l'équipe , c'est clair et je ne dis pas le contraire

Et je t'insulte pas rofl , take it easy :D
oh excuse moi je croyais que stupid cunt c'était une insulte :::DDDD
Si tu le prends au sérieux oui :DDDDDD
they lost to :h to troll idle! :DDDD

jk Stray isn't good enough for these guys is all
why's stray makin queens losing spree even worse :[
i made a booboo
compared to how often u saved the day, its alright
You have € 3 on eu Queens
Possible win: € 37.35

to bad :/
queens... all you had to do was stray calm...
no Anderson
why would you play with stray anyway

anyway hfe#1
I'm surprised that Queens managed to win 1 map and 1 round :D
you realise that they didn´t pause when razz lagged out and won the map playing against stray and kresti alone dont you?

fucked hard,nice man =;D
omg squall....
Red Shirt queenssTRAY 131 deaths
no fysiek no win
You have € 45 on ee idle.ee
You won € 49.05

easy money thx idle.ee
He's dead, Jim! idle^7kARnAJ 31 gibs

wp karnaj! :)
if someone noob didnt ddos me 4:0 for queens
Always you that get ddosed :D
idle can only play against 2 players - Queens would have won if i didnt get hacked.
You have € 10 on eu Queens
You lost
or maybe get decent 3rd instead :)
dignitas could won gr too, pretty surely would have, the only map u won was some map dignitas never plays ;d