Fuck The Name vs aToOn - logic (5772 views)

in rAmbo
in Thra$her
gb clarkee
gb mustee
fr Gast
fr jAu
fr talG
ESL 3on3 Summer League 2011
Division 2 Playoffs
Winner Bracket
Round 2

08.08.11 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL 3on3 Summer Leagues 2011 » Matchlink
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: rAmbo (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced

Total Pot: € 24344
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 7


Gl rAmbo :)
Izi pour mustee,gast & jau (montre leur le phaskill) ! ;)
gl rambo
atoon easy easy easy
easy for aToon indeed.
Gl les gays ! :))
talg <3 gl m8
I will not be there. beach <33333333333 :)
sorry but beach is a shit map :FD
gl FTN
whos the actual 3 playing for atoon? it makes a big difference for the bet
jau azur kallenge me dunno
i guess it'll be gast/jau/kallenge or maybe me
so bet on Fuck The Name :)
gl atoon oh no gl FTN !
gl logic
You have € 1075 on fr <?/aToOn
Possible win: € 1333
gl rAmbo!
GL Rambo&omar!
gl clarkee/rambo homos
You better win ftn (rambo&eden)
clarkee aka nooblet stop using 2 nicks!
Gl rAmbo, clarkee
Gl Talgess and Gast
gl les biatchs :)
GL kavinsky & rAmbo
ramboooo :D <3
Perdez pas ou jvous tue!
qui joue au final? Azur jau et Gast?
azur jau kallenge, enfin, est ce que ca change quoi que ce soit ?
T'es pas sur IRC là ...
mdr comment tu sers a rien
C'est quoi IRC? Moi j'ai x fire mais j'ai pas d'amis. Comme toi IRL.
Need 3rd /Q me guys!
Oh wait ...
gl omarsen & rAmbo :)
i'll probably get raped as usual :p
if kallenge play izi 4 atoOn
gl rambo ! ;d
forfeit win ftn
Thra$her's gonna bash nerds.