superMix vs crybirdZ (3142 views)

cz denton
cz milhAus
cz Green_Clon
cz QSR
cz Kazatel
cz WebStar
cz ZajaC
06.08.11 23:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: milhAus (Requestee)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 39499
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 17


gl&hf, easy for iR ;)
gl both ;) HF
gl both teams hf
gl webos
gl crybirdz, chci to videt jak za starejch casu rappere a donaseci darku! :D

special good luck for: zajac

the most special good luck for: Webstaaaaaaar
webstar & zajac = no change :)
gl zajac :D