Poland vs Japan (15837 views)

pl buzka
pl chester
pl kot
pl rio
pl Robol
pl zMk
jp Fang
jp Kirark
jp sirokuma
jp Spirytus
jp Stacker
jp Stain
WorldCup - Matchweek 2
23.05.07 22:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: WorldCup
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: NxM (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Radar
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Enemy Territory TV
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izi for Japan :D
easy bash for Japs, gl!
this game gonna make me rich!
Me too =]]
keep on dreaming. :O)
They were unlucky.
yeah.. but im still cheerleading for japan! xD they are good <3
If sirokuma shot as well in the first round of Bremen as on the other maps, they would've won Bremen :(
GL Japanese :)
get a good server and then easy for japan
Irony ??

no, jap lost against spain because the players got kicked by lag
poland =/= spain
Still Jap > * ;)
I see that Japanese people are funny guys.
no, polands are the shitiest lagger in the whole fukcing world!!!! (except israel)
POL lineup?
sux lineup :( fu***ng zoyd x[
nie rob wsi plz:x
stfu bitch! get skill if u wnb in TP -.-
bo co? Faktycznie team do bani :/
bo Fasolki nie ma, agree :*
GL Shimpei Sho kirarka shick <3
Sho 17cm chinko very big for japanese

antara futari sorotte temeko shitatsu no? :O
Chinkasu >:l!

GL JapaN
Japan plays at 5 am on a thursday morning? that's patriotism :P
indeed :D salute them
easy for jpn... pings all!
izi proland
easy for Poland
Japan > Poland

fo'sho my nigga
Your bet: 1000€ on JPN Possible Win: 7,520.00 € (+6,520.00 €)

jp to get owned by retarded refs and lag :| <3 jp, gl this time >_<
easy game for japan , gl pl
gl jp =)
will be closer than expected
easy for pl
if japan win one map with esp so it could be a close match
omfg ezi for PROLAND < japan sux >
PL will win cuz all japs will be punished by PB for playing 24/7
triflip you gay ?

both laggers
jp will won
lag will win
easy 4 pol
World Cup of LAG!!
ofc that japan ownz ;p
rol :O))) Poland 1.17 vs 6.95 Japan joke ? plz
More laggers
JAPAN ftw :) ping war for jap :)
Poland Lineup:

pl kot
pl chester
pl buzka
pl rio
pl oic
pl robol
wez kurwa gdzie ejst wiesiek r1co ?
orol dobrze jest : O lepsze netr niz endarkedy i nagi jakies rololo
gg so it was a joke with that swap ? (rico&wiesiek for kot&chester)
zoyd wymienil wlasnie cale NETR :X
rio nie gra w netr

edit: o, i juz gra
jak by nie patrzec to gral tam jeszcze nie tak dawno :X
jakby nie patrzec to jest caly easyteam : O
japan ez
rofl, eteam vs japan
lol, Netrunners vs Japan? :D
Japan Lineup:

no MiRUKU? :<
sirokuma = windows? or is that kurokuma?
sirokumaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa <3

Too bad no Stevenson, but I guess I can't have both my cuties playing.
Spirytus im drinking every friday with my hommies in da hood bitches

Spirytus in Japan translation = Nitro Saaakeeeeee
Netrunners = eteam [ easyteam aka easytouch ] ; - )
GL guys
wiesiek ze Zlotopolskich?
nie , z Palomy
gl japan :]
gl Japan OFC :)
gl Porland ! easy for robol
Wiesiek my dude, why u don't play? :(
easy 4 german
Spirytus go go go! xDDDD
who's gonna watch this match :D ? champions league ftw ! ;DDDD
Hmm i wonder who will take this.... NOT...
easy bash for Japan <3
money on japan
all my money on you kot <3
pozniej ten mecz dajcie...
Belarus ftw!
no miruku no lose

Go Spirytus( kot fanboi)
poland = netrunners ? =P
war ping <3
bet on japan.
Where is wiesiek !! fuck zoyd !!
stfu, wies;ka nie ma bo bedzie gral pozniej, cyberhiperextraubermasterJapanskill raczej polsce (eteam :o) chuja zrobi
kota niema w team poland gl
graja pleby z icp w team poland zal
zaklad ?
easy 4 japan
czemu zoyd nie grasz w team-proland zagralbys rifla bez nade-ow:(
stfu childrens of neo, gl PL ;*
sirokuma'll play, oops
jpn will makes me rich :D
gogo JPN!
ale lineUp polakow to jednak prawie polewka |: P|

glpl<3 dumni po zwiciestwie i wierni po przegranej

zoyd wiesio i rico to jak dudek i smolarek, trenerze
to jaki jest lineup wreszcie, wiesiek na pewno nie zagra, a wróbel ? Jak jest taki jak podaje to po chuj zmienia, czyzby kot mial czas bo mautry sie koncza, a chester znalazl oferte pracy w Polsce ??
poland ofcourse!
Go go Poland Pr0lanD!!
easy for japan.... japan is my secret favorite in wc!!!!!!!!
isi for warpoland :D
PL lineup??? my bets? ohh noee...i dont know:) ping or ping?? :)
no miruku makes biggz a sad panda : <

hf nippon!
gl japan
old NETR > JPN .. i hope so <3
without lagkicks nippon > pol
japan will own trust me!
GL zoyd and company ;)
easy for Japan
Japan will take this!

100 € to Japan!
GL POLAND ^^ Moze wystawienie starego NETR nie jest takie glupie... zobaczymy, ale tak czy siak zoyd poszedl na latwizne...
:( i wants wiesiek ! no wiesiek no win :[ lets OWN japan ninjas :D
Dlaczego mam wrazenie ze Japonia wygra ? oO
go japan :D
przynajmniej sa zgrani ;d
Your bet: 350€ on pl
Possible Win: 399.00 € (+49.00 €)

because <3 pl
go japan...
JPN < ESP ... and POL > ESP imo.. so Japan doesnt stand a chance
gl warpoland :D
gL japan <3
GL rio <3
easy for NETR
even with equal pings, ned, be, de, fi, de, est, pl can put on teams to large for the rest o t w. poland 1.13 isnt interesting
desu desu
nie gra niby??
hohoho, but soz Japan gonna take this :D
Since today TeamPoland = NETR?:O
rly izi 4 japan
2:0 for poland
2:0 for PL, but it was close..
nice pings pol 250 jap 150-180 btw kot pro pf :D
2:0 for Poland
4:0 Poland :D
gg Robol
gg Poland 4:0 Pol > jap
no MiRUKU no won :l
agree ale lepszy niz endarkedy i nagi =[
mah munnys r all gone... :::::::::::::(
where is the NETRUNNERS ? :o
match is over... they won vs japan
I say Japan won:)
cg_whine 0
wp jap.