explosionC4 vs serenity-gaming (9049 views)

it diO
it bLiz
pt kMt
pt koto
pt sexyhot
pl uf0l
nl xfrd
nl seigen
nl goliath
nl modus
nl spho
nl atemi
#26 ET-Cup - Playoffs
28.05.07 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ET-Cup
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: SPU9 (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Supply Depot

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
By: SaQq (ettvd)
de #re-play ETTV ONE
By: RaZoR (ettvd)
de #sonatix.ETTV2
By: jaQula (ettvd)
de ISItv#2 - isigame.net
By: rio_ (ettvd)

nl #snd-gaming ETTV #3
By: GTVd


Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 59


Serenity ftw :)

lavOd Gl ;)
gl eC4!
Gl lavOd
gl lavod
GL xfrd & lavOd & modus
go eC4 & lav0d!
LavOd <3
Very big change that nlunknown guy :< will play instead of LavOd. ( he finally has a new pc, but he will move to a new house in the next 3 weeks so no i'net :< )

+ match will be rescheduled to sunday or monday :)
Kap eens met die kleine l :< LavOd LLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!
zo goed schat?
Beter ja, en als je nu ook nog eens reageert op irc is mn avond helemaal ok!
good hac...luck
Gl ec4
gl serenity-gaming

Nice opponent
eC4 4 sure
gl ec4
GL vod
gl ec4
izibash for eC4
modus ? lol
gl gasten
match won t be played @ thursday !!!
goliath? speelt die ondertussen niet teveel cod2? of was dat xzz? :P
is xzz ;D
gl LavOd <3
Your bet: 49€ on eC4
Possible Win: 91.63 € (+42.63 €)
go sereNity!!
izi 4 serenity
go lav0d go til is with you
eC4 will take this imo, though it might be close! :-]
gl xfrd lavOd & atemi...!
gl goliath
since last match im a fan of seigen:D! gl sereNity
gl both

goliath kk whiner kiddow mag eens op gtv spelen hoereeeej
ja opzich heeft die wel gelijk
Match will be played on monday 28th 21cet
it eC4 (TBC)

it diO
it bLiz
pt kMt
pt koto
pt sexyhot (instead of se slajdan, NC match)
pl uf0l
gl komet & bLiz0r
<3 fast <3
gogogo uf0l
nlLav0d will be replaced by nlspho
gl xfRd & MR.$PH0
zeg ook ff gl altrnt, ook al speel ik niet
gl spho & modus
gl sexyhot koto and kmt
:D eC4 ftw
gl serenity!
modus ftw :D:D:D
go sexyhot!
GO GO GO uf0l and ita boys !:D
gl tugas*
ez bash ec4
gl both
close match imo
gl ec4
gl sexyhot
gl goliath ! <3
GL serenity =)
gl serenity
Easy for eC4
nP 4 iteC4 :)
izi for mark
ec4 will take this easy, they have sexyhot
isi for ec4, gl my portuguesinhos :D
lol @ odds

Easy for serenity

gl goliath
gl kmt, sexyhot and uf0l :* easy bash for ec4
ah lav0d rape ze : D
Your bet: 1019€ on serenity Possible Win: 19,676.89 € (+18,657.89 €)
the game start @ 21:15cet :]
both clans low
gl in EC mens0

Your bet: 20000€ on serenity Possible Win: 354,800.00 € (+334,800.00 €)
whats up with menso and wth they whining about?
he banned their best player just 5 mins before the war, gone teamplay, very noob replacement and tactics fucked, gg
I could live with the fact if they banned him way earlier. but 1 minute before the match? fucking german fucktard.
noob replacement dankje!
maar je moet toegeven met seigen had je ook niet zoveel kans gemaakt
funny santje en sorry hoor venom ;)
probleem was dat alles nu opeens ongeorganiseerd was, niemadn had meer zin / vertrouwen. En over kans maken, we hebben 2x in een prac van ze gewonnen dus tjah. maargoed, ik ga niet meer whinen.
hi? I'm not in this team :p also no reason to ban me ^^
read below
whos winning
fuck menso
wp menso srnty can t won etcup anymore for banning seigen or whoever
Firstly my statement is there => http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=journal&mode=item&id=24332

Secondly, why the hell you all relate the ban to me lol?! I support this desicion, but it wasn't done by me.
flame mode on:

you could have played for all we cared menso... hell you could even call alexl and we would still beat the living shit out of serenity

flame mode off:

too bad for the decision, but gg anyway :)
I don't get your point tbh. :/
They don't care about you.
They would have beaten serenity even with there strongest lineup.

now understanding it?
indd what would the game be without nc costumers, i fully agree
you were shit too
Afaik We beat the crap out of eC4 with our normal lineup... And with the addition of modus I dont really think it would be much different!
you maybe could have beaten a mix, cause with our standard lineup nowdays we do not use to play against lowskilled / unknowns. anyway you can lose again @ warleagues when it ll be the moment.
:D mr "oldschool pro" thinks he's good rofld!
Sorry mr. but ur far from good.
i can be even far from good but you are so close to the lowside then...
CU in 3 weeks.
omg kMt is gay!