Clan Poland vs Team Decerto (13888 views)

pl czaroo
pl fanatic
pl hassaN
pl ska
pl syriusZ
nl saKen
nl joshua
nl SQuid
nl NoHead
nl Ati_
ESL 5on5 Summer Leagues 2011
Division 1
UB Final

28.08.11 22:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL 5on5 Summer Leagues 2011 » Matchlink
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: fanatic (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 96826
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 60


gl NoHead :D
NoHead :*
Joshua will be back!
Gl Ati & saKen & joshua ;)
succes de boys van mousecon <3
gl ati
hassan akbar
piekna arta hassana! teraz w tym momencie
tureckoooo, tureckoooo, holenderskooo
razem z dizlem zaistnieja kiedys w branzy muzycznej
Jo0f ff gelede gl maat
gl fanatic, ska, sucKen
Gl Ati_
karac tam polaczki
gl pellem8
gl ska
fanatic and hassan gl <3
gl cpl ;]
gdzie mozna zobaczyc ta slawna Arte Hassana?
no jest Kokia, jest "tureckoooo, tureckooo, holenderskoooo" sklad, czyli to pewnie ten mecz
gl syriuzzzzzzzzzZZzzZ!
GL cPL .. GL joshua & NoHead & Saken

gl hf ;X
ale wypierdalaj z takimi zdjeciami
Ale nie trac zdrowia na stresowanie sie w internecie ziomeczku. W takim tempie w wieku 30 lat serduszko, tetniczki i zylki beda mialy powazna kontuzje, z powodu czego zycie straci kolorki. Po takim czyms nawet w trakcie wspanialego aktu spolkowania nie bedziesz pewien czy wszystko znow za chwile nie runie...
wszystko by sie zgadzalo, gdyby nie uwzglednic faktu, ze ja bylem spokojny :(((
hf fanatic, josh, nohead, saken, ati :)
Syriusz GL
czaroo me & hassan offline tonight, so I doubt its gonna be played x (tonight or ever, depends on mCon :P)
Good luck nohead ati lavodick
gl m8s

nice match
gl nohead :D
syriusz mA BOIII GOGOGO <3
You have € 938 on nl MouseCon
Possible win: € 1294.44 Gl
izi for MC
no fanatic no win
gl syriusz
Easy for Mouse COn
Gl ska
gl ati and nohead (fcking wnb yerman <3 ) :DD
hf boyz
Gogogo Mouse Control' o/
hee squid
You have € 100 on MouseCon
Possible win: € 245
izi money

trolololololoololoo hassan ;X
gl hasstarN
NoHead GL <3
gL mouseCon
gl both
gl Mouse control
match at 21:30
gl nohead
gogo josh
waste of time
waste of time, should have stayed longer on holidays
Bet you guys would have won if you didn't go on holidays :P
You have € 30 on nl MouseCon
You won € 37.8

na bogato
You have € 7000 on MouseCon
You won € 8820
NoHead rolling :P