Team Dignitas vs to Make odds even (9771 views)

ee Anderson
ee Night
fr karnaj
nl ZaK
de drago
pl fanatic
pl czaroo
pl ska
pl hassaN
pl syriusZ
pl Elviss
Team Blackpoint ODC #1 6on6

First Round

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21.08.11 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Team Blackpoint ODC » Matchlink
Manager: remyy (Requestee)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 95085
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 189


myju myju panowie : DDD
gl tmoe
gl tMoe
nie ma hassana nie bedzie pieknych art :(
i wonder who will be the 6th player of dignitas :P
Nuggan i guess
maybe urtier
or matias? :}D
or r3vers ? :{D
or R0SS? (.)(.)
Gl Syriusz & hf Karnaj :]
no nuggan no win
That polish line-up wont make any odds even at all
gl Squall :)
syriuz gl brah :P
syriusz zatancz:D
gl tMoe
wpierdol tmlowe, GG D.
nuggan for the win dignitas!
gl karnaj :)
thx mate ;-)
show dem polaks how to play ET !
I'm afraid that he will show :DD
inactive skill but nP I will represent my ink bros ;-)
So all money on D. It will be nice score. :D
well represented

if ink attends a cup, ink wins the cup.

You make daddy proud
Dignitas haven't understood it's 6on6 gayming eheheheheheh
gl squall :d
dignitas will win 5v6
ok chlopaki bede !
skad ty sie w lajnapie wziales low?
Czarek, przeciez Ty dobrze grasz. Kolesiostwo > all
GL Dignitas :)
- Czarek
+ hassaN & Elviss
gl Elviss
Syriusz pokaz, ze tanczysz jak Karnaj !
obawiam sie ze z tym bedzie trzeba poczekac az wroce do siebie i zaczne cos grac aktywnie :D
kurwa i po co pijesz? :(
do mycia?
kARn4J Sunday, 21st August 2011 20:20
inactive skill but nP I will represent my ink bros ;-)

on tez nie gra
ska juz zabiera ze soba gabke XDDDDD D was porzadnie umyje
wierze w tmoe :D hf
no biorac pod uwage fakt, ze Dignitas gra w piatke, to Twoja wiara jest uzasadniona
Hassan akbar wyslij mi ukratkiem linka do zdj3ci@ czikity, czekam!
o thx, to ta w srodku?
nie to ta po prawej.
cholera, chyba wszystkie dziewczyny grajace w ET tak wygladaja :(.
Ale mozna troche lepiej wygladac jak sie czlowiek pomaluje? Mozna.... o to dowod,Bez_komentarza
dicknitas will roll da game
squall must play with f6 !
fintastic6 doesn't need squall to win this ODC
d. Guy = Urtier ?
Fire in the hole! polaks hahahahhhaa nice night GG D. :D
who was sixth of dignitas?
Are these pliers sharp?

cPL * fanatic

9 deaths without fragging
