kartez vs crush3r (10310 views)

ESL 1on1 Summer Leagues
Grand Final

Playoffs' Road to final for kartez :
Playoffs' Road to final for crush3r :

4:0 saKen
4:0 Swanidius

1:0 JyrkZ
1:0 ridji

1:0 Vexiol
1:0 SaYoS
28.08.11 19:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL 1on1 Summer Leagues 2011 » Matchlink
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: Kartez (Requestee)
Maps: Ctf_well
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 62885
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 48


gl kartouze
go go kartouche !!
gl kartez esl1v1 winner!
winner against me in super1on1eslfinal !
frkartofat playin rofl

Do like urtier nerd
esay for crush3r
GL Kartobese :)
il va roxé du berlinoi
shit 1o1 cups going inactive..there are most of the matches noshow wins!!
blame players, not the cup
crush3r already beat kartez in 1v1, so know who to bet on :)

Kartezowski <3
Kartez once again !
gl kartez :)
2 lows
gl kartez :)
izi kartez :)
Crusher is still cheatin?
you can bet on me
gl kartez
gL Kardouche
gl putin
kartez french nub
gl kiki,ez!!
gl kartez mate
kartez noob! still gl ;*
gl b2k}kartez
hf crush3r
j'ai trop pensé à mettre une phrase bien mechante mais non.
genre qu'il cheat encore?
play 1 game = get to final
Good luck kartez
Wow... Nice road to final... All my money on you kartez ;) Gl
je te baise kartez!
gl crush3r
gl kartez vas y GO HS ^^
gl bartez

You have € 1500 on fr kartez Cancel bet
Possible win: € 2610
gl crush3r
I prefer crush3r's road to the finals, but we'll see. IMO he beat better opponents.
Useless comment thank,cu
Et à part poster à chaque fois des gifs débiles, tu sers à quelque chose ?
tu es qui toi? et la com' demande a quoi tu sers par ici (new talent???) evite de re-post après moi et mes potes ok!!!
olol mais ya que toi qui post (pas de potes? :s)
Aniki c'est mon pote tu veux son numéro de téléphone ? et l'on se fait une bouffe 2vs1
kikou talG <3
tu sers a rien
<3 enfin quelqu'un de sensé
toi aussi tu sers a rien
tu arrives a avoir du net dans ta campagne? \o/ et tu as arrêté de tondre tes moutons?
touches pas aux ancetres
actually 1:0 = forfeit win,

so he actually played vs Swanidius and I played vs saKen, but ur still right, saken not good :d
+1 <3

still gl to both
playing only one match to get into the final sound pretty easy :P
pretty stupid format anyway : P
ofc i only wrote playoffs ways,

like every decent competition, there was groupstage before playoffs, but I think we need more skilled players to get more competition, but nice to see always a lot of people signing in, even if they are not very good, most of them are nice & stuff, a lot of them just come and play for fun, dont take the game too much serious, whines etc, thats very nice :)
but et is not a 1v1 game srly, who get's the first frag went back to a corner and camp there till the game is over. he will get a few more frags becaue the opponent has to come to his position, i can see no fun in that
thats why skilled players playing only obj maps
ye, most of campers take frag map ( valhalla, huntplace, tournament ) and brained players take obj map ( ctf_well, multi, silly )

ye ET isnt about 1on1, but its actually very good to play obj map, its mainly about using brain, trying to trap ur oppos, not doing same actions everytime, actually a nice pracc for duel ( will be okay for others format also )
not really :S, i mean obj maps are also played after the same structure, find out enemies spawntime, camp till he shows himself and wait to kill him on fullspawn, after that you run to obj and secure it, simple! :DD maybe a bit more brain but you don't need to be skilled to do that ^^
camping and using brains are 2 different thing, using brains isnt only about camp.
Well my friend, he get a good point though.
ofc, so u have to use ur brains and be smart :)
Gl kartez
gl kartez
gl crush3r
gl kartez
is this the crush3r creator of crush3r666? :O?
easy kartez

Toute ma tune sur toi!
gogogo le kartez !
I cant believe some people are still playing this.
gl fartez

You have € 111 on kartez
Possible win: € 237.54
kartez gogogo
hf all :)
You have € 122 on kartez
Possible win: € 265.96

Tout sur toi, connard :>
gl kartez
gg friend kartez ^^
You have € 250 on de crush3r
You lost
Fick die Ute ..
You have € 30 on fr kartez
You won € 62.7

easy bash
You have € 4500 on de crush3r
You lost

le fu :D
You have € 10 on kartez
You won € 20.9
congratulations kartez :>
no kurwa wyrucham i huj ci do tego
no i kurwa wyrucham i huj ci do tego
gj kartez
de crush3r Monday, 22nd August 2011 20:04
you can bet on me

Viewer Peak: 48

Who the fuck cares about 1v1 nowaydays????
Thanks your coach bro
gg kartouch
kartez pwnser
You have € 30 on kartez
You won € 62.7
i always knew that crush3r will lose dat!!!
You have € 20 on fr kartez
You won € 41.8

You have € 1377 on kartez
You won € 2877.93

bien joué
crusher cannot win 1v1 anymore :PPPPPPP

maybe start cheat again?
gg kiki <33 le best en 1o1!!
OK, now i see that Crusher isnt cheating anymore
I've beated both, am i the god now?
You have € 3250 on fr kartez
You won € 6792.5