Czechpoint vs Spartiates (5683 views)

cz Sklamak
cz adrenaline
cz aRt
cz Slaxinek
is Cartman
fr Guinome
ma RACHiD(sp)
25.08.11 22:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL Int. 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: Le Rapk (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 21859
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 18


gl rapk!
Thanks ViKO mate <3
OI ! :D
is this about the danza kuduro song coz im listening it atm
GL rapk, cartman
Czechpoint are winners :)
Gl spartiates :)
roll 'em down rapk :D
:/ i want back 15 minutes of my life
thought aRt is german :O
so in der aRt schon.. ;D
GL czp :-)
-> Rachid :D

ETTV give me a UK server </3 :DDDDDDD
I dunno why but I cant handle german server :D
Man you can use an uk server for yourself, read GTV faq if you dont know how to change the server.
I dont have servers :<
And the only one uK server from "Ettv servers" is YCN hosting Matchserver#1 but I cant get it </3

(Sorry for my engrish) :D
This server is 1* no?
May they can get the match to 1star for u to get ur UK server
You have € 10 on fr Spart}
Possible win: € 48.1
Vous avez interêt a gagner :{D
Tu peux mettre tout ton argent ;) !
c'est ce que j'ai fais ;)

You have € 68 on Spart}
Possible win: € 327.08

You have € 564 on fr Spart}
Possible win: € 2712.84
;) ! :DD <3
You have € 27 on fr Spart}
Possible win: € 129.87
For this match :D
He play with them like 1 year like a merc.Dont be that mad.4fun
They don't want play with their own team because they are to low so they get a good merc ^^
Bonne chance les Spartiates
:) tesim se zas na konec prazdnin Sklame az uslysim to tvoje "kluci ja fakt nemuzu...":D ale i tak urcite gl a 35 na enemy
entre nous vous pensez gagnez :D?
Dunno, j'espere :D
Faisable s'ils croient au pouvoir de la moustache en eux.
La moustache était la mais pas le pouvoir de tenir 1min :(
haribo tu me dois des sous en nature je prend aussi :D haha (joke)
Il me faut 3ans de Emoney :D
GL Sklamaczek :-) GL aRt :-) ... GL CartMan :-) ...
Was Tied ^^
gg both
Have to be 3 for full me :(
RAPK all best rewards^^
It is my worst match on ESL because spartiates have so many complains. Never again!!!!!!!!! (said adrenaline)
rules addicted (said RAPK)
im so sad, that i couldn't play this match... cause Spartiates are just MAD! anyway i still hope that u enyjoed this match, but we won so next time dont be like "we won, rechallenge us if ur not scare" or some shit!
Man look my dmg, look who was the best on this match .. learn to play :))))
there is nothing no say about that
You had € 564 on fr Spart}
now, u have nothing

power is in TP and friends... try to learn something from RL, dont be such a nerd ;)
1st: learn english
2st: I was just there for pwn all of you cause I dont like you. Victory or not, for this time NVM :))

And it was funny :>
-now ur acting like a kid ;) and u know it :)
-ye, it was funny to shut ur fucking mouth :* u just lost
-"for this time" we can pown u everytime Oo
-not many of them lost, cause they know, who is better ;)
guys who got lost 9/10 matchs think they are better than us ? guys who dont have a fixed line up think they are better than us ?

Adler was just a lucky map, nothing more. ""

**Now dont reply, I dont want to speak more with you.
u mad, but u mad so hard... it was forfeit, remember? Oo
u lost, so we are better.. dont care about luck...
u are just angry, cause u had big ego about this match ;o
No No dont worry ;) I know we had loose this one.
But.. You dont know, you cant say you are better on this result 4/2, you dont know maybe the next time, we will have more luck than you.
You cant know.
guys who got lost 9/10 matchs think they are better than us ? guys who dont have a fixed line up think they are better than us ?

We won so maybe we are :D
ca trance: "They beat u guys tho... so u cant call them low :P or else ur calling urself even lower. " i guess he is right ;O
it makes sense to me
OMG !! ...
You have € 83 on fr Spart}
You lost
de pas beaucoup qu'on a perdu :<