Grenades Galore vs pwners!? (3923 views)

gb chEWz
gb Pigeon
gb Demented
nl smo
gb aiht
fr faks
29.08.11 23:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: reAlize (Requestee)
Maps: Adlernest
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 30880
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 2


gl G+ :)
defo betting on them look at these odds
You have € 100 on de pwners!?
Possible win: € 5296
Oiiiiii Faks :)
Izi 4 Pigeon ;/
You have € 10 on pwners!?
Possible win: € 477.5

You have € 5 on de pwners!?
You won € 269.95

Expected after losing a map against them yesterday :(
who are they? xD
true even though were playing the worst we've ever played this game. they are decent
xD true

One of them is this schmoo i guess, others i dont know but my insider infos say cheat0rs
Still shit tho, highest dmg :( < coz im awesomez
But how the fuck do you play against people who just 3 hs me instantly all the time.. They are stupid as fuck, but have sick aim.
dunno, we lost gold, won supply with 6min atack just by backraping and spawnkilling :x but not going infight combat 1on1:D
ye they are stupid as fuck xD just aim only, fucking retarded
You have € 300 on de pwners!?
You won € 16197
HAHA no bet :D no money fail

congratz silent :p
how can you lose against faks =DDDDD
because you won vs me ? :D
You have € 100 on de pwners!?
You won € 5399
You have € 29999 on us G+
You lost

Dammmm, thats a bitch :P
destroyed my dream to become #1 at gtv gbooky :/
so expected, lol.. xD
if i only could have bet :[
You have € 50 on pwners!?
You won € 2699.5
You have € 5 on de pwners!?
You won € 269.95