Oxygen vs explosionC4 (7755 views)

ee indu
ee deadeye
ee pela
fi Iratou
ua TBA
ga TBA
it diO
it bLiz
se slajdan
pt kMt
pt koto
pl uf0l
#26 ET-Cup - 1/4 Final[/b]
05.06.07 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ET-Cup
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: SPU9 (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Supply Depot
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
By: SaQq (ettvd)
de ETTV.fr, Hub/Recorder 1 (30 slave slots)
By: andyF1 (ettvd)

de ISItv#2 - isigame.net
By: rio_ (ettvd)


Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 101


eC4 is my favourite for this match=)
take oxygen account and rename it to overload, this one is from the empire guys which was one of our past teams.. Cant wait until GTV2 is there so all the accounts can be merged
easy for o2
gL eC4 <3
gl eC4 <3 uf0l koto kMt slajdan diO and bLiz <3
gL eC4 <3
eC4 ftw <3
gl ec4 <3
gl ec4
gl o2!
gl dio ufol (& pwners) bliz and slajdaN!
gl jkzz, hope you wont be banned for this match
gl jkzz aka" mr hacker i already got busted and still playing et "
aaww so cute...all this cause i proved that ur both idiots!!! nice!
u just got busted uglyboy so byebye
banned :DDD::ddd::DDDD:DDD
gl uf0l
gl o2
gl o2
The only players who will play for sure are:
ee indu
ee deadeye
ee pela
fi Iratou
Other players might be:
ee Nitro or
ca anim or
cz butch or
nl Sainted

Just wait until 10 min before match :>
or just steal fuchs and Us4rmy away from me! :(
fuchs, already did but he hasnt been online for the last few days :(
Us4rmy, does he still play ET?
Us4rmy told me that u guys asked him :-) Nice team knowledge!
me <3 czbutch
*cugh cugh netcoders costumers*
mensen met een netCoders kostuum :D wat een owners
jkzz you werent even good when u hacked :S mr. i get 5-40 stats @ ettv xD

indeed, hes a fucking cunt
I smell a cockfight ! :)
u fucktard the thing i've got busted for is a 2005 pbbans pub hax i've never hacked in any sort of prac/scrim etc.
hahaha go be low-mid in some other game now =)

dude youre shit on ettv, i know that for a fact, i remember we played you and your stats were like 5-30 fucking nab, wonder how ur skill decreased so much recently... rather odd
im shit on ettv also Mike :<
gl ec4
GL o2
wish u all a pleasant and a nice warmup to the viewers for match ahead with dignitas vs pro5 :P
after they will 've spected you, neither butchji or d.players can impress them anymore..

you simply should unistall your hacks and stop to camper @ every corner really.. and stop to revive everytime your mates also.
to hack or not to hack... that is the question :D
i want your demos then i will bust you, can you send me?
to come to cpc3 or kill yourself?
I WILL go to the cpc3 as long as my clan is invited :)... will u go there and cheer for me? :D

send me lots of love if u do pls
i bet you get raped and blame it on your monitor or mouse
i've played et @ a couple of lans and never got raped ´^_^

maybe cpc3 will be different, lets see :P
sexyhot n joga ?
sexyhot fakenick for tonight is bLiz
gl o2
go eC4 <3
GL overload, we need it!
ee indu
ee deadeye
ee pela
ee Nitro
ca a n i m
fi Iratou
GL Sainted's team!
GL pela !
afaik eC4 is winning
6:2 o2
4:2 o2
hello guys gl hf

we sucked as axis on gr dunno why.
maybe cuz you usually suck? almost as much as me
Cause you have slajdan, but no me (:
slaj wasn t playing cause he forgot we had offi!! xD
wp, great defense from o2 on radar.

we'll have to wish them gl for the rest of the comp :)
Your bet: 5€ on o2 Won 50.05€
Yeey Won 200.20€
11€ on o2 Won 110.11 €
Your bet: 10€ on o2 Won 100.10€
100€ on o2 Won 1001.00 €
we won ? :o
Your bet: 72€ on eC4 Lost
o2 10.01 vs 1.11 eC4 228€ on o2 Won 2282.28