Supski vs Keskus Rikos Poliisi (8530 views)

gb miXer
gb koop
gb hste
gb fumble
ca rito
se kNas
fi mana
fi blindi
fi altsi
fi vanhaomena
fi repje
fi tMuhh
6on6 #1 ladder match

Supski's first big game under the new lineup

Grudge match between gbkoop and fiFinland
04.09.11 20:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: fumbl (Requestee)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
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Total Pot: € 86538
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 63


Gl knas homo and owzo bög :D
veel geluk owzo
Altsi the machine can't lose
gl koop, but you got a lot of enemies !
gl knasm8
gl owzo !
Central Criminal Police GL !! :D
gl Knas :D
koop gonna smash face
supski will win but krp has altsi so could be gg
don't forget they got mana, who will team kill everyone and will be the man of the match :DD
what's this fuss about him lately? is he any good?
Gl miXer ;) & Vanhis
easy for krp, visitor have 0 chance.
hf krp
no linus no win
got backstabbed
plz dont blame us for replacing u after u go afk 2 weeks every time and then play for 4-5 days
then put me backup or so not blaming anyone, and someone could have told me :D + only inactive for 1 week then i can play again not 2 weeks.
linus stop fkking girls and play more ET so you dont have a personal life anymore :DDDDDD
GL KRP! :))
lose darkrider and you might win.
Vanhaomena GL ;))
gl krp, blindi show them how its done!
nerds gonna get rolled, starting to drink invincibleness potion (bear) now
gl supski
You have € 202 on eu supski
Possible win: € 3397.64
cmon mixer fumble koop and owzo i trust in you!
gl both
gl clarkee fumble owzo
gl KRP!! & SUpski, i still have gold ladders no matter what happens on this match =P
Lineup prolly changing during the day, reasons: Altsi might not be able to play tonight and Scarce is too low.
so olba and squall in?
We discussed about this with fumble and we are confident that we can beat ur "oc-premier" lineup with our beergaymers so no, no olba&squall combination.

I personally like play matches including excitement and not to play with 4 ec_winnermans and run enemies over.
I have complete trust that krp will stick to their word.

ps: don't be mad with me, i'm not your grudge match enemy.
ye i understand, lineup atm: me, altsi, blindi, repje, vanhaomena + 6th
GL sniping vanhaomena ;P
Lycka till kNas! :D
wuff wuff
gl koopkins x
gl owzo and blindiiji
gl krp and keef
gl altsi don't get trolled at cp :D
KRP's OC 2nd div squad playing:
izi 4 knas ;)
Hf krp
You have € 419 on eu supski Cancel bet
Possible win: € 3490.27

Feel the Domination!
Feel the Power!
Get ready!
It's Fumble time!
gg. Nice opponent to play against except that whiny faggot knas :D
You have € 419 on eu supski
You lost

wp kNas, oh wait :DDD