IntermittentExplosiveDisorder vs Tesla Clan Croatia (5342 views)

ca embarrassed
ca Brisk
us ohurcool
us sandbag
fr kavinsky
hr too_accurate
hr nocTis
hr danL
hr praskOo
ESL 5on5 Summer Leagues 2011 - Division 3
Grand Final

us road to the final
4:2 vs eu
4:0 vs ru et.cfg
3:1 vs hr TCC

hr TCC road to the final
4:0 vs pl FURIA v2
4:0 vs de Business District
1:3 vs us
4:0 vs eu

hr TCC have to win twice.

05.09.11 20:00 CEST

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  • Match is over and finished
  • We need to have an official demo of it
  • Match must have at least 2 stars

So there's no analysis available for this match.