Unfaithful vs BRICKA BRICKA (6365 views)

ca punkk
us Jason
us v1d
us Axcess
us Perry
ca anim
ca rossko
ca shaun
cl skyline
cl M@X.BD
14.09.11 04:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: TWL ET 5v5 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: Team Warfare League
Manager: punkkkkkk (Requestee)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 17819
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 11


My money's on Bricka, but good luck both.
avi if needed :P GL

avi if needed :P GL
Gl rockstar, anim, squid :D
gl anim, exiv
same teams doing the match over and over again "NOTE: NA = DEAD :D"
when is desi bros gonna challenge bricka
not in TWL, but why you care? im just saying that same teams vs over and over again ..
that's how it's always been
and its going to stay that way if you sign up and not challenge anyone.
aha so true :p i was first so excited that I will once play on 50 pings again but I guess dreams never come true LOL XD
You can still play 50 pings again. Its called either making or joining a team and then challenging another team. If your not gonna support and help play in the ladder then quit complaining about NA being dead when ur helping kill it.
ok sir! i'll do as you say so!
Guessing twl is dieing/dead alrdy? owellllllllll
So is your face
correct me if im wrong, but this match will be played at 9:30/10:30 local time?:o
its 10:30 EST he added it 12 hours behind lmao -_-
Good luck shaun,M@x,anim & SQuid
squid is everywhere
gl max!
In theory the roster for this should be stronger (shot and experience wise), but that depends on them actually being a bit motivated and all actually showing up.
Tomuns fucking shit up again I see
nerds gonna get rolled
Monkey ftw
Anim gonna GP ult and get penta but if he plays like his ezreal then Bricka bricka is fucked.
lmao LoL nerd talk going on here

anim plays LoL?
Guys if you play a game other than ET you a nerd. Careful trance callin you out.
hf max punkk shaun
shaun plays video games
14.09.11 04:30 CEST

wtf squid
THE FOUNDER getting all the info
Like ill play this trolololo!
Hf anim !
hf bricka bricka, taaps and v1D :]
Doubt v1D plays
gl shaun :D
gl rockstar and rest :*
hf guys :)
no monkey no win no point in watching this
fucking tomun
when did this bullshit happen