CodeLust vs versuspro (5151 views)

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ru humM3L
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13.09.11 22:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: twidi (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
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Total Pot: € 48907
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 43


rofl @ the odds, hummel stands no chance :DDD
gl mks :)
np4mks :)
omg stuka omg
gl jago
go de Pinger!
will be a close one, kevin <3
Gl codelust, no sebastian no win
get sebastian now !:<
Gl jago
mokkula (dongle) owning too hard so Statti will play instead
gg, shaissea
nice wie du das obj auf adler secured hast mks...:___D
well wouldnt have helped anyways since there was 3 allied players..
he could have killed the obj man and instantly secured the obj
You have € 244 on fi codelust
You won € 431.88
You have € 50 on codelust
Possible win: € 88.5
You have € 50 on versus
Possible win: € 114.5
You have € 1500 on versus
You lost

10/10 ec eu top team ye
you must've been fucking drunk to bet like that :D
You have € 2458 on de versus
You lost
lol nice betting there sir, how can anyone be that stupid to actually think they have a chance against codelust?
versuspro rate in EC 10/10
codelust rate in EC 8/10
10 > 8 ?????
Hummel has rated himself as 10 since beginnings of time, and i know we roll him 100-0 but get bashed by codelust so i knew where to bet my money :)
You have € 5000 on versus
You lost
dno why i bet on hummel rly.. gl in EC
stimmt die dg von hummel und mks ?
ne fehlt eine map ^^ logische denkweise wie kann man auf 2x maps 2000 receiven wenn all anderen 5000-6000 haben(:
bei dir weiß man nie, vllt. haste dich ja irgendwo versteckt :D mr. defensive
pumM3l new Aggro
humM3L mvp