3 against the world vs Justice (4003 views)

pl znarknatic
pl fanatic
se envy
fi sungi
fi Lordi
fi Pittysku
20.09.11 15:15 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: znArk (Requestee)
Maps: Adlernest
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Total Pot: € 8513
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 24


fiPittysku : O?
pittysku comeback?
easy Pittysku
easy Pittysku
easy Pittysku
easy Pittysku
easy Pittysku
Pittysku is clean. jeez
easyi cleanysku
gl knas, znark and fanatic :)!
danké =))

going to suck tho
2izi 4 Pittysku x)
worst game 2011

wp pitsku
good luck sungi, izi win
You have € 250 on 3atw
You won € 1137.5
server was quite annoying, ggs tho
server was shit imo
server was shit imo
Are these pliers sharp? 3atw fanatic 11 deaths without fragging
You have € 1000 on 3atw
You won € 4550

lololol sungi, you have no normal people to play with anymore? noob :(
whaaat do you mean
obvious dumb boring cheat0rs.
cheaters (plural)? didn't know anyone thought lordi hacked lol
Lordi = fucking newb, i mean in general :*
well devix is inactive so im mainly playing with only lordi and webe now.
dont know if you consider them "normal people" :D
THIS Pittysku GUY MAN! :D really ._.

but since your smart we don't need to talk about that. (:
well I dont think he cheats, since in any game I played with him he did nothing obvious than high acc

I might be wrong tho since I only played with him since today, and i dont know him at all :p
u jelly?
sungi :D
gg pittysku :D
pittysku fuck off cheater
gg knas :)