Unfaithful vs Replacements (6568 views)

ca monkeyy
ca punkk
us taaps
us perry
jp nazzy
us Larky
us Kardon
us wiz6rd
ca bebit
is phyZic
us MaxPain2010
23.09.11 04:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: TWL ET 5v5 Ladder
Hosting: Team Warfare League
Manager: punkkkkkk (Requestee)
Maps: Radar
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 16028
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 11


Nazzy still in Japan? GL!

(Also first suck it Jon)
nazzy cant lose
gl unfaithful
gl plus-minus
GL phyzic :)
well nazzy blows punk blows taaps well idk about him anymore perry blows / my money on replacements
you blows
trance beat u in a 1on1 trololololololololololololoolol
lol, says who? I don't play 1on1, and I've definitely never 1v1'd trance :D
i was specin the 1on1 so i say it lol
if you say so! anyway:

1) 1on1 is completely different from 3on3/5on5, you are an idiot to imply that a 1on1 actually means anything
2) even if we pretend that I really did 1v1 trance and lose, just know that I 3on3'd with him not too long ago and beat his damage in every map (and we both know how much damage means to you)
3) I would gladly scrim you and destroy you just like I do to champ & khardi on a regular basis

also, gl in 5th league "true religion" -- http://clanbase.ggl.com/rating.php?lid=12285 :D
lol we not even playing et lmao


btw i dont believe anything you say about most dmg and shit cuz everytime we scrimed you got carried by peaches / sandbag or sandbag/someone else. Your just the engy bitch lol

I may have gotten carried in the past, but times change. yes, I play engi. so what? like I said, I'm more than willing to play vs you some time
man you alrdy kno the deal everytime i play you lol we win and i carry with 8k + dmg and then someone rqs usualy peaches and wtf you showed me some screenshots of embarrassed and trance lol if u dont get most dmg with them then what the fuck. lol
you said you didn't believe that I got more damage than trance, I showed you that I did. you said that I always get carried, I showed you that I don't.

are you delusional? we win nearly every time we play you guys, and you're the ones who rage quit if we vote any map other than supply or delivery
i said you lost to him in a 1on1 and when i said the most dmg i was talking about when i scrimmed you and sandbag you never got 1st or 2nd. It was Sandbag>peaches>ohurcool and you werent even close to their dmg on top of that u were like 3-4k behind everytime lol. Everyone has their moments in scrims trance has beat me and phokuzz's dmg every now and then. Keep playing this game though you will become a legend like maus!
you're just being stupid now, I was never 3-4k damage behind anyone. you are the one who didn't believe me about damage, I don't give a shit myself about damage or stats or being "pro" at all. this is because I am not insecure and don't feel the need to rage at 5+ people at once on a gaming website

the bottom line is you are a retard and always will be, no matter how much DAMAGE you get or 1v1s you win!!!!!!11

anyway let's 3on3? (I won't use sandbag since he is TOO SCARY I guess)
lol Who's that guy?
that faggot BRANDON/draztiq etc, who plays with that phokuz guy

here, his picture as ohurcool posted above before edit

i love that fake pic from phokuz :D
http://tz-ac.com/screenshot.php?id=1151841 yo look im pro like ohurcool
nobody could care less about what you say, you're just a full blown faggot tbh
who r u? i had to ask trance who u were lol u play with hyper and u suck dick @ this game yet u play just as much as hyper. I play this game once a month and ill scrim u and win today if you would like
Lose the ego kid, you were never good at ET.
Enhanced trololololololololololololol
YEAH BRO HYP AND I PLAY THIS GAME 24/7 YO. fucking idiot you're not even worth arguing with
because 1v1s limited-life matches mean so much in a game that's only seriously played 5v5/6v6? :P
1on1 tells me alot tho. If you cant win 1on1s in a 1on1 how are you gonna win 1on1s in 5on5? 5on5 is a diffrent play style so i highly doubt your gonna do much better in 5s when he lost to trance? do you know who trance is? lol
worth to read?
Normal nerds < Elite nerds

Larky the realest nigga in ET
what up bitch, miss you... smooches
Oi I'm making an epic inner sense filled comeback, a comeback that Andrew sadly couldn't truly put into actualization and therefore I shall hold a position in that glorious roster up there. This will be for inner sense master Parker and the great badass Empty!
lol if ET is still around by the end of october, ill will be making my comeback u nagro
Whoever's more active will win.
gl phyzic
Everyone here sucks dick and plays too much.

lol fucking great you happend to schedule the match tonight and it happens to be that i can play :D::D:D:D:D get on msn kardon
tell dem that im avi too im very ownage
i just found out about this match right now lul
razz avi too
are we playing it? or what come to irc i got 2 mercs and i need ip to vent if we´re playin
gl punky monky
ryzyk phyzic
why do all u black kids think ur cool?
na matches always have friendly comments :)
punk u so bad
my pc is fucked up.. had to reformat and was playing with default cfg :(
If punkk was at his full power then things would have gone a lot more differently! >:)
You have € 30 on us r->
You won € 114.3

ty Replacements
too bad plus-minus :\
You have € 288 on us r->
You won € 1097.28

You have € 140 on r->
You won € 533.4

ty <3
ou have € 112 on r->
You won € 426.72
Well, as expected, Monkey beat all ur dmgs <3
pick it up anim <3
ou have € 160 on us r->
You won € 609.6