regards Dolan vs Cortana (5735 views)

pl buzka
pl fixxxer
pl kot
pl Robol
hr aCoZz
hr frozz
hr gmx
se nuggan
hr suVi
fi Squall

Qualifiers 1st round
22.09.11 22:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET EuroCup XXIV » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: szczurek (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 92731
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 81


acozz wtf
gl both :)
omg aCoZz omg
hf frozz & gmx <3
aCoZz omg!
where is palemki ?
Fuck yeah!
omg acozz omg

Gl Kot !
powodzenia kochani !!!
add Frag'Stealer! & palemki
good choice
they are not even in the CB line up

jestem pod wrazeniem ! GL

brakuje S4rny
also, we need another day / time to play it
time yes, day - no can do:

The first qualifier matches have to be played between the Monday 19/09 till the 22/09.Please challenge your match before Wednesday 21/05, otherwise not agreed matches will be forced by the supervisors to the 22/09

the only last day is tomorrow
czemu tylko 4 dni na kwalifikacje lol
od zawsze tak jest
a to sorry
Chyba zartujesz
no sorry, nie wiem jak bylo kilka lat temu, ale jest tak od kiedy pamietam
No sorry, ale troche slabo jest spierac sie z kims,kto cos takiego wprowadzal :)
Powodzenia regards ! :)
good luck cros :)
squad prawie jak za dawnych czasow^^, jeszcze tylko potrzeba kogos z listy: rio oic chester nrs gotti i pozamiatane :D
You have € 131 on pl regards
Possible win: € 2579.39
gl maciejek ;*
gl frozz & robol
hf frozz suvi calisto :))
Powodzenia chlopaki :)
omg cortana comeback :D
Gl Robol ;]
back in business!

get rimi! omg aCoZz omg! gl both ;)
omg aCoZz omg
omg frozz omg gl <3
pl robolciek
omg aCoZz omg
no chance for you kot :{D
Polish faggots using finnish meme as a clan name. I feel despite towards that shithole called poland even more after seeing this.
ok now u can gtfo stupid cancer mongol
gl regardsy :)
palma !
gonna be played 22cet
woo 1st war in 3months !!!!
you need to make razz mad pic :D
GL suvi, acozz is long time inactive so i think he wouldnt own today
gl buzka & robol :)
will start in 1h
omg acozz omg
You have € 10000 on regards
Possible win: € 41200

Frag Stealer spierdolil po calosci! :DDDDDDD
gg polaks!
i'm tired...
You have € 8912 on Cor
Bet was cancelled, you were reimbursed.

fuck you, possible win 30000 € omggggg
good game, getting into EC was very hard this season
lol since when u active again
I was hoping on a good show Cortana, had my popcorn ready to spec nuggan. They didn't play now I'm sad D:
prepare for their 2nd game!
dobra, ale przedluzcie jednak te kwalifikacje do niedzieli xD

w kazdym razie bez kota i Palemkiego i tak raczej by nie wygrali
Cortana to win ec