CodeLust vs SpeedMix (8568 views)

fi Demz0r
fi Jewe
fi miND
fi kolibri
fi Statti
de Bl4d3
de duKe
fi Metsuri
nl spho
nl 7ele

Qualifiers 1st round
22.09.11 21:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET EuroCup XXIV » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: szczurek (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 93221
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 115


speedlink spho
Best of luck to codelust & 7ele
gl speedmix
wenn Simon nicht kann, bin ich avi KRESTi :D
gl krest, blade, stowni!
gl codelust
gl Demzor, jewe, kolibri, krest 7ele and LAST BUT NOT LEAST stownage <3
hat ja lang gehalten, duKe_ x)
Kommst du mal Gesichtsbuch :S
geht grad nicht, bin noch Schule -> Fb gesperrt :P
was gibtsn?

Du bist auch nen bisschen doof oder?
Sup, y zeh heyt?
Ich wollte nur (und das garnicht so seriös) an deine "Ich plane eigtl nicht in nächster Zeit wieder aktiv zu werden" Worte erinnern :P
Meintest mal im IRC... nimms nicht so ernst ;)
Hast mich ein bisschen auf dem falschen Fuss erwischt daher die harte antwort ;-)

Naja, 8 Monate pause hat gereicht :P
Wie... ihr habt doch nicht im Januar mit SL aufgehört, oder? :O
gl 7ele, spho & finfriends!
Gl Speedmix
gl daniel & tomasz ;)
gl kresti & duke !
You have € 500 on de SM
Possible win: € 1090
good luck CodeLust... kolibri omistaa
goooood luck kREST <3
gl yermans, rambo your way to victory !
gl codelust and tele + spho
gl codelust. If you lose it's because I'm not in the lineup. Obviously.
gl kolibriii
Great, we dont even got a PM or something about this...

2 of us are not at home the next days :DDD

And its hammerzeit not Speedmix

Praise CB
cb is too serious to send pms or stuff like this ...
"Great, we dont even got a PM or something about this..."

don't know if this comes as a news to you (as I'm sure you've played a couple seasons @ CB), but CB never sends PMs about the matches before they're already scheduled or forced

it's your own job to keep track of the deadlines and to schedule your matches in time

edit: in other words, you can only blame yourself for missing out the deadlines to schedule and play this game
Yeah, its great that a game gets forced within 3 days...

Unfortunately ppl got something else to do than ET, im aware that you maybe dont know what im talking about :-)
how would that PM have helped you if you were so busy doing something else than playing ET for the last 3 days?

on monday atleast you seemed to have the time to play a 5 map game against Queens ( though so maybe you could've used some of that time to schedule your qualifier game? can't be bothered to go and have a look on your team's TZAC screenshots for example to see how much you played besides that game, but I would bet that you weren't too busy with your "something else than ET" to spend some of your time playing ET aswell :)
Cant be bothered to go into a big conversation now. If you think that a game should be played 3 days after the leaguestart, its your thing...

And ofc we gotta prac, otherwise it would not make much sense to play in the EC. But like i said, 2 ppl are in vacation until the weekend. So obviously we have something else to do, yeah :D
there has always been a really tight schedule for the qualifier games and this 3 day period for the first game is rather usual than abnormal

but I guess you wouldn't know about that either, since you're so busy with your cool life :)
Excuse me, but for me its the first time that a game needs to be played within the first 3 days, imo it was always a week. But you are right i was in my super cool reallife the last EC ;-)
there has been a "qualifier week" atleast for the last few ECs, which means that there's a week to complete ALL the qualifiers. so not just the first games, but also the second ones.
Maybe because there has been only 1 qualifier match per team?
atleast in the last two previous ECs there were more than one qualifier match per team
did you drink 3 beers again or have you gone completely mental this time?
just don't understand why you're (or atleast duKe is) blaming CB for your own screw up :)
duke doesnt do qualies, he's used to direct invites cuz he pro.
I dont think its weird at all that noone of you guys hadnt got any idea that you might have to play a qualifer due to your awesomeness
what would u know about ec business? gtfo back to oc 3rd cheers
Unfortunately ppl got something else to do than ET. Then if you have a life why are you playing ET? Especially this cup.
Great comment with a lot of sense behind it. Congratulations
Well sorry if i cant speak english so well.. You said that peoples have something else to do than play ET, then why are you playing ET and this cup?
Maybe i took the wrong words, but sometimes it happens that you got things "beside" ET. Mostly we can mange both, playing and freetime, but not this time :-)
succes 7ele en spho
izi for blade
Gl codelust!!!
ok kresti du machst das schon
gl duke_ Krest telefon usw. ;)
hf old man duKe :]
lol playing over9000 showmatches but unable to schedule game, really bros?
lol somebody who has been active for 5 years straight and still hasn't increased skillwise, making comments about others playing a lot.

gotta love ET haha :D
kamz describing himself, priceless
thats because i was highskilled from the start and im still high, cant improve much when ur already the best
keep em' comin great entertainment
my point was serious tho no offense.. u haven't really improved as a player tbh.. u just about made it into the team NL b squad due to your love and affiliation with former cheater, santje aka joshua.. and not to mention, you as a nation failed on your quest and put the dutch name to shame.. your only achievements come from 3on3 and let's be honest.. nobody gives a damn about 3on3 already for the last 3-4 years already.. overload has been around for god knows how long now and haven't managed to win a thing, despite remaining active throughout the past few years, reminds me of a modern day Highbot team.

maybe harsh but it's truth, take it and improve. much love. peace out.
lan winner and nationscup winner, what have you got to show for your playing since 2003?

actually, what the fuck have you ever won? who do you think you are lol? you haven't achieved shit in ET and yet all you do anywhere is talk as if you were actually good
winning a lan with 3 med+ skilled teams isn't much of an achievement, especially since u lost most of your matches in the groups and managed 1 lucky win iirc that won u the lan (let's be honest, u only won cos u had ati anyways) .. and like i said, winning 3on3 nc is quite insignificant
u are both good players. calm down :D!
hahaha right better come 13th at AEF am i right? :D:D

and actually we beat both power gaming and nevo, not sure how you get "1 lucky win" from that

feel free to post your bronze medal btw, coming 3rd must be somewhat like winning in your mind
let's look at it like this.. u went to a lan with a serious team with serious face on and finished above who again? tag (rolled them like 10 times already in the last month and they have better lineup nowadays) and bF mix or something?

we went to lan for fun, got drunk and ended up sleeping for like 1 hour before officials and finished above winfakt and spot16 who both better than all the teams at ur crappy lan..

Power Gaming, TAG and BF, yes.

oh drunkened excuse, awesome, cba checking your lan games but I don't think you actually beat those teams at lan, gg, still waiting for your list of achievements! playing since 2003 must have won a lot if you were always HIGHSKILLED
Good players don't need to explain to everybody about their achievements. Hence, why you're trying to do so in this discussion.

Good night and trolled hard.
lose argument -> claim trolled hard -> pretend you won
From de s1LENT To gb KAMZ
Recieved Today 00:16
Subject Re: important notice
Quote by KAMZ
trolling is l'art


oh how stupid do you look right about now :((((((((
Thats just how it works :DD
dude why the fuck u still care about what the low+ paki says?u are much better than him, just ignore the lowbob
Quotetag (rolled them like 10 times already in the last month...
Just because you are in winning team doesnt mean you are rolling. I would be "rolling" too if I were playing with guys 24/7-ing ET for whole summer with addition of guys like sqzz, nuggan, xylos and so on. Actually when I look at gtv, your score against TAG is 3 wins, 2 losses. Btw, in almost all those matches you were by far the worst player in queens, getting carried by others. So in your place I wouldnt be trash-talking so much, you havent achieved anything to act like you are something better than saKen.
seems like u mad
ahahahahah I just checked the fucking lan playoffs and you got rolled by TEAMOXID, didn't win a single game in playoffs, GG BRO REALLY PRO PLAYER!
lol u actually checked that haha :D u got too much time on ur hands.. :P i barely even go online anymore, and people like you have time to go through the entire gtv database ;d
nice Entertainment bros :3
gamer nerd is mad lol, didn't take much.. u might aswell get those braces back on and stfu :DD
former cheater, santje aka joshua..

'super cool reallife' gg
GL 7eleTele
Gl codelust
ok tiem
gl Bl4d3 , kReSti
You have € 3700 on codelust
Possible win: € 16724
all my money on krest tonight :D gl blade, duke and spho u need it :D<3
finds voll witzig, weil er nicht spielt
You have € 300 on de SM Cancel bet
Possible win: € 582

All in ihr Kackas
schon wieder haMMerzeit ? gl & hf

You have € 100 on SM
Possible win: € 176
metsuri backstabbed so he backstabbed?
the match of tha rulez!
"i swear that if CL will win i wont allow mind to play with queens for next 3 weeks"
gg wp hf at ec mind :D
In your face
You have € 200 on de SM
Possible win: € 352

no krest no win :/
statti potm
:D wp statti!
gg altsi

You have € 1000 on fi codelust
Possible win: € 2300.1
You have € 977 on codelust
You won € 2256.87

switched to desktop, then back to ET and the map was over :XXXXXXX
Altsi oldm8, sick aim<3
tärräs kädet vitusti :))
laitoit silti paremmi ku muut, statti oli kans liekeis mut silti
mind kicked out of q?
3 weeks 3 weeks

SPEEDMIX need player for next quali game?
you chose your clan already
No, i was just a merc, im fine with 3weeks waiting time, dont u worry bout it
heard already that ur getting replaced in queens.
it's 3 matchweeks =)
yes, matchweek = week-.
but it's gonna start next monday ;] so like 4 weeks from now ;]
miNd atm:
I know, missing 3 groupstages matches aint anything for me, dunno bout what queens think bout it tho =D
:D! cu in final anyway? ;]
You have € 300 on de SM
You lost

Och man, macht doch nächstes mal richtiges Lineup rein und nimmt mal Mercs die mithalten können und nicht solche Quarktaschen, zlOOOOOOl
grüße christopher aus #credibilis
You have € 37 on codelust
You won € 85.47
das ist doch lächerlich
You have € 1000 on fi codelust
You won € 2310

could you please update EC rules if they've changed? (

this game should've never even started according to the current rules:

5.4. A clan can use players during a match who are shown on their Allowed Players List and have not played in the same cup for another clan. Using a player who is on your APL, but is not allowed to play (f.e they played for another clan in the same week) will result in a Red Card and match forfeit.

5.5. All other players can only play after they're added to the Allowed Player List having fulfilled the criteria in the table below.

5.6. A player must be on the Allowed Playerlist (APL) before being allowed to play a match. That means, a player must be added to your clan roster as well as to the APL before the official starting time, the scheduled start time of the match shown on the wid page. If a player plays who isn't on the APL the clan will receive a Red card and a forfeit loss. When a player would have been allowed to be added to the APL (thus would have no problem going through the new member procedure) the clan will only get a Yellow card and the match result will not be changed.

and yes, I know that in the end we won the game and used a player outside APL aswell, but I've just always hated these worthless rules in EC. why the hell do you have to put them up there like that if the rules in reality are totally different?
5.4 There is no APL yet

5.5 Same

5.6 Well, oh wait - the same

Metsuri was in their roster, mind wasn't in your

rules are fine, as always we just have to do everything that "highskillors" wants
Pathetic haha
altsi > mystic :)

but why did krest not play?
graphic card problems
kresti and stowni are not at home theyr both at some friends place
altsi who?
You have € 250 on fi codelust
You won € 577.5
You have € 3700 on codelust
You won € 8547
nice hullu kolibri