Kovat Pojat Kovilla Pyssyillä vs Join The Force (3476 views)

fi B3ach
fi siima
fi Fat
in rAmbo
gb Clarkee
fr Kavinsky
gb nips
29.09.11 20:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET SW 3on3 Open Cup Fall 2011 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Beach (Requestee)
Maps: Adlernest

Total Pot: € 9982
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: unknown


gl siima
siima playing league of legends 24/7
Yep, kaikki pelataan jotain paska peliä vaan.. turpiin tulee
kaviinsky too :D
izi 4 rambo
izi 4 siima
gl kavinsky, fat & nips <3 !
nips is gonna play 3on3 offi's with erase tonight :PP
wait wut, erAse and 3on3 offi...whahahaha
haha just given names dont think will have 3rd, havent played in a while anyways :o
lol guys...DonMatthias&Apoc, ur still alive?
yoyo m8
i hardly play et anymore
apoc still nerding :ppp

Yes alive, not nerding as hard as don says though :P
GG too bad day. fucking parking fine 40€, must be paid whitin two week
gl both!

kavinsky <3
Kavisnyk of fail :(((((( abba oui <3
gl crazy hindu
gl kav
izi for rambo & clarkeeee :P hf bitchs
noshow? :s
i dont know why are you acting so confused when i clearly told you that we dont have players for this time and you did not want to reschedule.
dont know how to use it and admins were offline on Channel for help.
next time just pm me before the match time ( via CB or bnc ) and i will add it for you
no matter if i will be online or offline