encrypt vs Lost Soldiers (5008 views)

de mental
gb hvK
hr danL
se cupcaKe
hr diablos
si m1ke
de laNgo
de valaR
de caTchEr
md eujen
be Buzzer
02.10.11 21:45 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: mental (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 19593
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 19


hf ketchup
gl mental
gl catcher!
be Buzzer
Casse toi enculé ! ;D
U mad ? :D
j'mad de plus faire de 3o3 avec toi ;D
Mec, je joue en OC premiere, j'ai plus le temps pour toi ou alone! ;D
Mytho t'as envie d'entendre ma belle voix sur ts :O
gl mental & ls.et :)
4th div vs 1st div
gl ls.et
nö premier vs. premier :P
oh lol
gud lok diablos and danL <3
gl danL, m1ke, & eujen :D
gl m1ke!
catcher vs diablos :D gl guys
gl lango :)
gl kakan and mental !
GL cupcake :)
gl ls :)
gl buzzer !
gl Lost =)
GL max
slac down?
wp we suck :X
gg wp
gg close xD
You have € 260 on gb encrypt
You lost

... mental
You have € 250 on gb encrypt
You lost

.. Mental

You have € 3003 on gb encrypt
You lost
Well played! :-)
You have € 918 on de lost^
You won € 1367.82
J'mat le replay demain !
Me spec pas, je suis de corvée seringue :D Donc je fais que ça, piquer, piquer, piquer! :P la seule action potable, c'est quand ils essaient de prendre la east et que je fais un fois trois du cp pour les en empêcher! ;D
1) depuis quand tu joues tp ? :D:D:D
2) genre tu kills pas ;O
You have € 50 on lost^
You won € 74.5
teamplay wise yes
dmg wise not rly :X
according to the stats you did pretty good :)

and teamplay > dmg anyday

gl in premier! :D
true, but our teamplay still has alot of room for improvement :p
35 revives, boom!
that was an exception! :DD
You have € 555 on de lost^
You won € 826.95

En zo
rol ik
gg wp
You have € 10 on de lost^
You won € 14.9
nice teams :)