back 2 kill vs disQonnect (6398 views)

pl l4z
pl WuT
pl w1lko
pl syriusZ
pl Czarek
pl mag
pl Abject
ru humM3L <)
ru Jago
ru jOKE
de boNg
de Kevji
de predi
05.10.11 21:15 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET EuroCup XXIV
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: humM3L187 (Requestee)
Maps: Bremen_b3
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 53105
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 80


gl dQ
gl w1lko
GL noskill
GL chlopaki ;]
gl b2k
gl b2k (:
gl w1lko !
@disQonnect: carefull sczuwaurtec wants a full-polish-final, you will recieve redcard after the match :o)
gl syriusZ <3
gl W1LKO!
gl WuT :>
gl dQ
gl b2k

hf mag ! Nakurwiaj
gl jago !
gl bong, kevji, predi
thought it said ec for a sec there
ru humM3L <)
It is, just stands for Extra Crap Cup
gl w1lko & l4z
gl b2k !
gl WuT
gl mag w1lko syriusz !!
dydz1u: ogladam fragmovie maga

Toska: ciekawe czy na trzezwo / haha chyba nie bo na trzezwo tak nie bije
Pff. no chyba Ty do nauki xD
Zboczeniec !! xDDD
lol predi in EC
gl wut,mag,syriusz =)
lowest ec of them all, only player i see worthy of playing EC there is voiler.
Karac ich chlopaki

cala kasa na wielko !
gl l4z und w1lko <3 und boNg boNg boNg
hf l4z
gl jungs izi 4 ya :p
You have € 4140 on dQ
Possible win: € 5713.2
l4z zajebista pucha dawno takiej nie bylo xD
gg WuT :DD
nigga pls
timo the machine , wp!