Cortana vs TAG (11941 views)

hr komar
hr frozz
hr calisto
hr rimi
hr suVi
nl Lightning
nl aphesia
nl hope
nl leon
de urtier
lv Clown
19.10.11 22:15 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET EuroCup XXIV » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: frozz (Requestee)
Maps: Bremen_b3
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 145186
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de ONEMOVE|Radio
By: hste
Listen to hste
Language: English

Total Slots: 250
Listener Peak: 8

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 117


hajte ustase !
Frag Stealer?
best team to avoid random red card will win this EC.
Frozz nie wie, ze Dialer gra dla BP?
a gra ? bo mam nadzieje ze nie
no 14 dni temu, to chyba jeszcze gral, ale teraz juz nie :D
lol suvi why so active
for those, who wants to place early bets, TAGs lineup is yet to be decided, Clown is not here on thursday for sure, havent heard from numeric/frag for couple of days so their place is this match is also questionable
gl numeric dialer
dialer get to play for 2 ec teams now =D
aCoZz :)
Gl le polak numeric ! :D
Cortana <3 ! GL!
izi tag 4:0
omg omg omg
gl frozz m8 <3
squall gonna lead my people to freedom
2 easy for sc2 nerds!
gl squall, remember to use MG
gl squall :)
plz today
looks like tags lineup is gonna be:
twidi, lightning, aphesia, dialer, krein, urtier
still nice :D
nah, atleast I'm only playing for TAG in BfB
didnt know that either, looks like somebody is making changes without even talking to me
lol suVi playing with med
i may shoutcast this.!
Didn't Krein play for tMoe already ?
Ofiiiice offiiiccee..
Gl Krein, dialer, Lightning ;)
gl bros
gl acozz :)
gl dialer, krein
gl dialer, krein
Not sure who posted this TAG lineup, but it's not the correct one.
what is the correct lu?
woo! twidi!
gonna be a nice match :-)))))))))
gl urtier! :)
twidi "i m offis" BD
Gl Komar
Gl guys.
Cortana doing so bad come on
Seriously komar...
you motherfucking fucktard komar,
go motherfucking hang yourself with your motherfucking mother..
maaan.. damn motherfucker ....
looks like some1's a bit mad??????
how did u draw this conclusion wise one?
avi as merc
You have € 21440 on eu TAG
You lost
You have € 250 on Cor
You won € 2012.5
You have € 5000 on TAG
You lost
You have € 333 on eu TAG
You lost


What a hs machine
Squall new Croatian talent
fuck off TAG ...
Total Capital 0.15 €

Total Capital 0.86 €
You have € 1000 on hr Cor
You won € 8050
fuck yeah cortana gg!
wtf? :)
You have € 250 on hr Cor
You won € 2012.5

never doubted ya vedran bro <3
You have € 220 on hr Cor
You won € 1771

damn u komar, uhmm wait... thank u komar :-)
rofl xd
Hahahaha daj ne seri hahaha
You have € 2000 on hr Cor
You won € 16100

squall aimbot??!!
suvi delivered as expected
+1, i tried to warn them all but they didn't listen, active suvi > all ... just a shame suvi is so inactive :[
had 500 on tag, cancelled 1min before the game start !:D
You have € 2500 on hr Cor
You won € 20125

19:54.28 (@ZZUF) Croatians nerds gonna get rolled.
You have € 50 on Cor
You won € 402.5

np :)
You have € 20 on hr Cor
You won € 161

Omg frozz thanks mate <333
suvi delivering as expected. unlucky tag fags (minus urtier, he seems like a nice guy)
son, i am disappoint.
You have € 35 on hr Cor
You won € 281.75

FUCK YEAH, you were at our same vent this evening :x) was about to go into channel and ruin everything, good thing i didnt!
You have € 250 on Cor
You won € 2012.5
hste kurwo! nice info
Lady Macbeth TAG|Clown 79 kills

et is dead
You have € 65 on hr Cor
You won € 523.25
You have € 600 on Cor
You won € 4830

thanks squall
You have € 250 on hr Cor
You won € 2012.5
daj sta je ovo jesu li vam pustili hahahahhahaha
leon cwel
You have € 28 on Cor
You won € 225.4
You have €5000 on TAG
You lost
no krein, no dialer = no win
You have € 19 on hr Cor
You won € 152.95