gaming2perfection vs CodeLust (6528 views)

de Bl4d3
be chry
gb griim
be Jere
de Kresti
de Stownage
fi Stuka
fi kolibri
fi jussi
fi Jewe
fi Demz0r
fi Altsi
05.10.11 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET EuroCup XXIV
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Jere (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 83675
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 112


gl g2p
Is that need to be played?? Like we dont know who will win!
then bet on the team you think will win.
maybe betting? :D

and just fun to see skilled players how they play.

if you dont want just shut the fuck up and go out.
i think you replied to the wrong person
gl g2p ;)
gl g2p
gl g2p :)
Nice lu g2p
You have € 2895 on g2p
Possible win: € 3358.2
gl jussi
all in team dave
simon nicht wieder verlieren!
gl g2p
You have € 60 on g2p
Possible win: € 157.8

all in
ich hol meinen Nachbarn!
gl krest & simon ;)

e. gl Bl4d3 :D
gl & hf g2p
inb4 red cards + kicked of ec
everybody allowed :))))) mysterious
You have € 85 on eu g2p
Possible win: € 169.15
I suppose bb g2p : (
gl Simon :3
gl g2p & twidi :)
gl dave
gl codelust

& stownage ;)
i can into MG
jere fail sniper :D
stfu fanboy :)
it was just funny to see :D
how does this work that they can play for g2p and silent cant play for oxid?
cb rules are printed on a möbius strip
bF influenced cb admins.