Team Limbo vs Frogz Squad (9302 views)

nl stib
be Sh1zzle
ee Sinnu
se slajdan
ee frEeze
ee Night
fr Aniki
fr emorej
fr kartez
fr maxuh
fr mouss
be xAv

EuroCup XXIV - ET SW 6on6

Group B: 2nd Matchweek
12.10.11 22:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET EuroCup XXIV » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: stiiib (Requestee)
Maps: Missile_b3
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 63087
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 88



gl stib
stib will destroy them
gogo stib :_D hf les frogz
destroy them stib :)
mc stibbers gonna roll
gl frogz :)
gl mouss
gl Night :*
lol @ ec
lol night lol
gl slajdan and kartez
Limbo Gifted representing.
gl stib!
hf frEeze and kartez
Limbo GL!
You have € 33 on Limbo
Possible win: € 49.17 :S
GL a vous frogz !

easy kartez
gl Sh1zzle <3
gl stib & rest of team limbo !
I"m 37 and what is this shit?
gl freeze!
cmon limbo you can handle this.. xx sl.jackson.

gimme a fking shoutoutttt kurwa
Gl Frogz :D
You have € 150 on fr Frog
Possible win: € 487.5

Gl frogz
how to make a shit game to a good game.

1. join ettv
2. put a random name
3. brag that you killed men and women
4. wait for other retards to reply
5. enjoy
What if i am bored?
1 Go to ETTV website
2.posting B***s***
3. wait for replies
i want to replace sinnu!!
Done. Im the weakest link it seems. no dmg whatsoever
only saw supply :p
every1 thats interested can apply for sinnu's spot at #team-LIMBO

we're selling him to the russians
dont tell the community -.-
oh snap, lähme bouncime!
You have € 66 on fr Frog
You won € 216.48

easy money:D
You have € 500 on fr Frog
You won € 1640

You have € 100 on fr Frog
You won € 328

You have € 90 on Frog
You won € 295.2
Always on kartez !
WTFFFFFFFF unexepted
You have € 50 on fr Frog
You won € 164
Frogz ftw
was a great game to watch, a real spectacle, the 3 man panzer from spawn by emorej was unbelievable and really changed the game, i thought freeze was outstanding tonight, and a brilliant objective secure by night on goldrush, disappointed with the performance of slajdan, felt he could have helped his team more, especially on missile_b3, however was surprisingly pleased with how sinnu played, great game and great knowledge of maps from him, all in all great games, loved every second of it and hope there is a rematch sometime soon.
You know dude, you trolled so hard that we can't figure out when you are being ironic or not :>
maxuh <3 so oldschool it hurts!
Oh snap!
frog'kartez 109 deaths wuuut o.o
Are these pliers sharp? Limbo! Sinnu 11 deaths without fragging

not a good game by me + havent got the best spots or so. Its reasonable.