gaming2perfection vs back 2 kill (8082 views)

de Bl4d3
be chry
gb griim
be Jere
de kReSti
pl l4z
pl WuT
pl w1lko
pl syriusZ
pl Abject
pl mag
12.10.11 21:15 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET EuroCup XXIV » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: ohurcool (Generaladmin)
Maps: Missile_b3
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 105372
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 102


gl b2k
2 easy4mag
gl wut,mag,syriusz :)
gl mag wilko syriusz
gl b2k

hf mag
gl Mr.kReSti und Dr.Bl4d3 :DDDD
hf mag mate<333333333333
gl w1lko , WuT, mag, l4z <3
GL g2p!
gl g2p
g2p ftw
Hf bl4d3, Jere :D
Gl w1lko :)
gl bl4d3 & kresti!!
gl Bl4d3, Krest & Simon :))
gl Bl4d3
gl WuT :)
np für bl4d3 und kresti
Gl g2p! <3
gl w1lko
sup with pots? should be izi for us :)
gl w1lko m8 :)
You have € 10 on b2k
Possible win: € 604.8

Gl b2k :P
League: CB ET EuroCup XXIV


pl w1lko
gl g2p
hf kresti :)
was like ye, g2p, ec but then i saw b2k.. and was like lol ec? only b2k that is ec worthy is rtcw hacker broes
go to your gass chambory
lol @ 2 second reply, and lol @ spelling.. double fail .. only a polak
low is low remember. Go fight with your stupid nigga in london!
whats being low got to do with a polak's spelling ?!?
i dont have time for you. You are to shit. bb l2p
ur making urself look sad with all thoose comments tbh dude u gotta b rly bored xD

gl davezZz hf u buttpirate!
You have € 26 on pl b2k
Possible win: € 351.26

easy money =D
You have € 236 on b2k
Possible win: € 2633.76
lowest ec ever
dave gay
gl g2p :)
gl b2k : -)
gl kresti and rest of g2p :)
gl kresti and rest of g2p :)

and l4z nubie and w1lko nubie ofc <3
Gl ALL ... hf wilko :-D u mad?:-D
kick ger from the clan G2P!

gl syriusz :)
sup with odds? :DD
thinking the same rofl
kogo spectowac w b2k? ktory najbardziej ogarniety?
You have € 70 on pl b2k Cancel bet
Possible win: € 3045.7
dave delivers
You have € 46 on pl b2k
Possible win: € 1076.4
Mag jak wygracie wysle ci flaszke :D
tylko jedna? :D dla jednej to nie chce mi sie grac :D
You have € 70 on pl b2k Cancel bet
Possible win: € 1642.2
jak wygrasz to za polowe wygranej kupie ci wodeczki
powodzenia b2k :)
ja Heilandzack simon !
gl syriusz mate !!!!!!
"g2p: MG not allowed on missile."

where is it written in cb rules? or you're playing EC on Robaciek's cup rules :XD
mag za malo wypiłeś :XD
wenn sowas ec spielen würde wäre es echt vorbei mit et.... :-D
sie spielen ec .
:D:D:D gehört aber eigentlich verboten...hätten pzy und ich besser hinbekommen
looks painful judging by the stats
wp both teams, was exciting to watch, the end was epic xd