K1ck eSports Club vs Queens (5330 views)

ee bff
ee mant
ca monkey
ee rAul
ee subbi
nl ZaK
gb razz
gb sqzz
gb R0SS
nl perfo
se nuggan
13.10.11 22:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET EuroCup XXIV » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: mikehh (Requestee)
Maps: Missile_b3

Total Pot: € 33769
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: unknown


seems to be a mistake here, under league it says ec and not oc
Queens got how many merc ??????
omg wEAk omg
gl monkey and queens
Gl razz&mind <3
gl raul and gav oh and flopjeh coz he likes nazis
wb weak :P
too ez for k1ck :)
gl sqzz
gl razz
gl sqzz
gl R0SS
gl monkey & queens
gl razz gav and Flopgjehz
weak oO
gl boys
alles gute dom
gl gav, ross, razz n floppycock
gl sqzz & flop :D
gl k1ck
ärme tee nii hilja :S
Gl Sqzz and Flop! :D
thats not the lineup
learn to read guys. Lineup announced on CF is for battle of berlin.
Will be different lineup from Battle for Berlin, Queens will be razz,sqzz,ross,nuggan,flop,6th
JyrkZ will be playing
seems to be a mistake here, under league it says ec and not oc
gl k1ckassers!
Good luck Dom!
cancel ur bet already vokki
just k1ck it
gl monkey mant bff
no match ?
ROSS playing = win
gl sqzz flop