GameFrog vs Quintuple (6031 views)

fr Benjii
fr Dr4g
fr Ztech
be GoldoraK
fr Cojiine
es Wezor
fr Boobji
pl morfey
pl m6i
pl mentor
pl n3rw
pl cyfr0n
pl prokop
18.10.11 21:15 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET SW 6on6 OpenCup Fall 2011 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: GoldoraK (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Radar
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 8652
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 12


Goldorak jebany cwel
Goldorak jebany cwel
GL chlopcy :)
gl mentor :)
gl prokop morfey mentor
gl Quintuple
gl goldo, benjii, lithium, cojiine !!!!
gl Benjii & Goldorak :)
gl Morfey.
GL prokop :)
gl Mentor :)

gl quintuple
gl morfey;]
gl mrf
gl&hf mrf -- hf cojiine
prokop mentor rogal <3
gl goldo !
Gl Gamefrog !
GL les GAYfrogs!! ;D GOGO benji
gl Benjii & Cojine & :{D
Gl Benjii & Lithium :)
gl gamefrog ;D
Whatch out cos Cojiine gonna use his sniper-rifle...
gl n3rw
bez ryzyka nie ma zabawy :>

You have € 250 on pl quint
Possible win: € 977.5

Moi mili <3
gl rogal
gl didi :)
Good luck Benji
gl Francis
morfey kto u was gra patykiem?:D
Ban na tzacu jest morfey ;]
Member Since 16th March 2011
jest joe
Tylko ze ja na 2.6b pod takim nickiem nie gram jak pod 2.55 ;] .Slabo sie starasz
Ty sie starasz wmowic ze tzac "MORFEY" to morf, a to jakis cwel zrobil to konto
Niby po co by to robil . A i Imaga tez znalazlem pozdro
pewnie mnie tez znajdziesz :) CU leszczu
Pewnie bym znalazł . Nie wierze w feki Morfeya to nie jest tak znany zawodnik aby ludzie celowo chcieli mu dokopac .Poza tym bany na 2/55 rowniez znalazlem na niego
mentor the trickjump'er ?
gl mes ptites bitcheZ
Line up GameFrog :
go go prokop :D

You have € 500 on pl quint
You won € 1640

You have € 100 on quint
You won € 328

GG <3
gg wp
You have € 76 on gFrog
You lost
You have € 50 on gFrog
You lost
Et dire que j'avais mis 100 sur les polaks à la base...
he ouais !
pourquoi j'ai bet sur evl en meme temps :{D
You have € 26 on quint
You won € 85.28

Brawo !
What happend?
We fullhold on radar really nicely but we were to on the hurry at 10 sec till the end on adler, to bad.
n3rw dziekuje ;**
lol xD
You have € 90 on quint
You won € 295.2