Overdose-Gaming vs Team-Novitas (5240 views)

pl Terror
pl Szpyru
pl kayson
pl zAri
pl hydra
pl miki
pl harry
be beN
be nAz
be P5Y
be Rhand
be Yosaki
20.10.11 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET SW 6on6 OpenCup Fall 2011 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: nerdbot (Requestee)
Maps: Radar
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 14320
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 2


lolwut, nice broadcasting low/+ game
Just give me ur Line Up :D
match is @ 21.00 & lineup =
be beN.
be nAz
be P5Y
be Rhand
be Yosaki
uk MARK ---> try gb as flag :s

and add maps (radar & adlernest) plz
easy for p5y, lugeronly.
gl g2p :)
gl overdose !!!

hf miki,szpyru

zAri skacz ! xDD
gl szpyrek, hydrunia, miki ;*
MARK Flag C-c-c-c-combo breaker
gl g2p# gl ben and yosaki
hup nov hup!
Die mannen vinden dat onze stemmen op elkaar gelijken. Madness, right?
szpyrU GL
hu Overdose-Gaming
:XDD Jak requestowalem to mi sie pojebalo :(
bori, adze GL!
wtf, ovs? Trevize m8 are u here?
gl psy
gl rhand you ex-fatty ;)

GL ovs
gl rhand
one hell of an overdose lineup :O
gl novitas :-)
i see a name steal ^.^
Its not a name steal u retarded yerman. If u dont know details, shut up ur nazis mouth. kkthxbb.
yea, im sure trev just let you play with this name XD
u polaks got better nazis as we yermans have so pls stfu :D

u still stole the name ^^
Oh just go back on public.
it is you son of a mother duck, go back in your cellar you stupid polak emo cunt
Just go watch anexis and stop hating. ET is dead thanks to such nerds like u.
whut is dis polish-trash ?!
our team for NC, deal with it.
gl miiikiiiiiiiiiiiiii
dzieki Tosiaaa :D

dzieki wszystkim ;p nawet jak wjebiemy.. to i tak tylko fun ;P
You have € 78 on hu ovs
Possible win: € 88.92

nakurwiac po deklach,bo kase strace !
gl overdose
gl miki szpyru ;)
God, that was sad.
that was fast !
is trevize still around? :o
wp miki szpyrass
Le Fu. Wez se ustaw flage polski a nie zabojadow :D
"wez se ustaw"? :D!
Il est tard!