heroes For Ever vs credibilis.et (4996 views)

ca monkey
fr sMiRZz
de s1LENT
de gr0ss
31.10.11 22:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET SW 2on2 OpenCup Fall 2011 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: yeknom (Requestee)
Maps: Et_beach
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Total Pot: € 19449
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 14


gl cre :)
krässe kakke
sorry wont happen :) we r both not at home. take your forfeit or reschedule it. u have the choice

not sure whether a wildcard exists, if yes, then we take it^^
wildcard w-nB
they are retarded so i think you will need to use wildcard
haha tu vas jamais arreter d'etre mad toi hein :D? on a arrete de te peter l'anus en 3v3 tu devrai arrete d'etre dans tes SPM
gl monkey
gl cre :D
easy pour le canadien et le mec qui traine avec le canadien
gl monkey
gl <33
Uhhh nice match !
gl cre.
gl le singe et la vodka <3
gl jungs :)
gl s1lent
hf both :D
gl gr0ss & s1LENT
gl monkey :)
heros für immer <333
gl gr0ss & s1lent.
You have € 100 on de cre
Possible win: € 150
You have € 416 on cre
Possible win: € 615.68 GL
You have € 200 on hFE.
Possible win: € 594
You have € 15 on hFE.
You won € 44.55

after s1lents rage on vent i guess he was like 1cm away to secure it :pPp

Edit. after watching the replay i know why. :'DDDD
lulz wasn da los?^^
You have € 250 on de cre
You lost

You have € 100 on de cre
You lost

You have € 200 on hFE.
You won € 594

monkey never fails <3
Even mAus would have not aimed better than smirzz the moment s1lent was about to jump the last obj in, so there is no
other explanation than: PURE LUCK
maybe because smirzz > maus
Humm, il est pas mauvais mais il en est tres loin ... En tout cas il a l'égo des high ! ca s'annonce bien, sinon gg.
lol cetait une blague, maus > nimporte qui
maybe monkey > maus
fuck off with pure luck shit always some shit players come say if some1 does nice nade or 3 headies. ohohoh pure luck he is noob ohoh
99/100 times silent would have made that last meter but out of last 4 shots smirzz got 2 hs and hits.. even if he aimed for the head with spread it was luck. I dont say smirzz is a
bad player cus he is by far not and this is onlt 1 moment in the match. Overall monkey and smirzz deserved it, I'm just pointing out that 1 tiny thing like this can make the differance
in small formats like 2o2. Thnx for instant rage fintard :)
Then you don't know smirzz, hes a hero
You have € 100 on hFE.
You won € 297 NP
owned ihr noobs
na, wer bist du denn
dieser kleine pimmel der ma mit rakji gespielt hat 15 jahre alt oder so :)
ders doch kein pimmel ;'( der gehört ned zu unserer bande ;<