Poland vs Belgium (21156 views)

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pl rio
pl Robol
be mesq
be dAv1d
be mAus
be acid
be mAx
be lio
WorldCup - Winners Bracket Round 2
17.06.07 21:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: WorldCup
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: NxM (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
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Radio Commentary
de #team.xT RADIO by Illar&Co. by www.gfr-clan.de
By: nobadi
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Language: de
de GIGA.listen (Mashed & FlyingDJ)
By: Mashed
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Language: de
de HeadShot Radio Shoutcast
By: bandiT
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Language: Polish

Total Slots: 5,500
Listener Peak: unknown

Enemy Territory TV
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us #Pr3dS.Gaming ETTV 1
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Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 643


Your bet: 10€ on BEL Possible Win: 195.30 € (+185.30 €)

gl belgium gunna be a good match looking foward to it already :>
GL Poland pl :)
Go Go Go Poland!
GL Pol! ;]
ewww that guy is ugly :(
R they really playing 23 CET:o Money on Belgians.
omg, how it's late :\ Go Belgium ! Pay attention to that polish team >.<
gl pl
saturday 23.00 ????

thats nerd time...
u have to go to bed at 20:00? poor guy
hi2u nolife guys..
slots ftw
pol imo
hf Belgium :)
EZ B4sh for belgium
GL Team be! <3
I hope be mAus will play :c !
gl polakos
zoyd zebys wybral dobrze : )
MUHAHAHAHA !!!! BUSTED !!!!!!!!!
ale na xuj na znietka <:-P ?
very easy for Proland
gl kot & rio
Lineup ?
imo the reason why belgium wont make it so far , is because they change the lineup every war ...
Exams should put the mess... Anyway we need Shewieeeeeeeeeeee please >____<
ez4 BEL :s
nice matchup ! looking forward for this one
ziff in teh lineup plx, oovl power
Argh it's gonna be hard time with those but Go PL!!!
polish whine vs belgian luck, yeah
everybody knows -> whine > all
match of the week imo :]
its good matxh but i think that portugal vs grat britain will be more interesanting.great britain will won against por-then cro wins ger and it will be CRO vs GB. :)
belg lineup ?
line up's?
hope maX will play
Poland ftw ... imo match of the week...gl Poland
tight match, it could go for either sides, but 4-2 for belgium imo
Go Go for the win Poland ;)
go bel
If our best lineup plays, Poland won't have a chance. But if we play with the same lineup as vs HUN then I guess PL will bash us ;<
mAus, lio, mAx, mesq, dAvid, zeto?
the first 5 are correct. :>
izi @ belgium with lioco and mAus
GL dialer & kot
Bet on Polish owners, i'm counting on you !
pl !
Go Go GO Belgium!
Hf & Gl
It really depends on lineups!! GL poland!
more slots coz everybody is gonna watch this
they will appear @ sunday probably
gl pl !
i hope polaks will make it... :X

go plz
GL guys , GL poland ;)
gl e manne ;]
line up please
eaz bash pl
miłej gry i zabawy team Poland I put on you TP lol tp
pl NETR lineup @ Poland?
Ty jestes pierdolniety czy m isie zdaje? o_O?

netr = easyteam ty pedalowcoku :C
team poland line-up pls...:) without wiesiek of c:(
need english shoutcaster
gl belgium
Hitman jebie kałem O_o
line up?
All depends on BE lineup, and since mAus, lio, mAx, mesq, and dAvid will play, definately BE ftw
hmmm n1 one the polish guys can do this (i hope so)
gogo belgië
if mAus & dAvid play , easy for belgium. if not they will have a tought game

but gl 2 belgium anyway =]
PL lineup?
no wrobel! :<
no rio :<
no doktor :<
15€ on BEL !
Poland doesnt stand any chance here ;)
go mAus, dAv1d, vila, lio, acid, zet0
never this lineup
no mAx, no Ganon, no shewie, no mesq ?!
lineup depens quite a lot lately..
[q] Not announced [q]
gl mashed.
gl wiesiek & r1co
go go poland. we will smash ya ^^
i hope belgium plays with a decent lineup now.
does that include leaving out certain people from the lineup?
goe doen e gaste =)
all who bet on poland are retards
good luck belgium..

maus will pwoon..them poli noops..
Not if his mouse is still broken o_O
pl ego ftw
yeeahhh go go polish whiners !
easy for kurwa robots iz marsa
GL Poland :-)
gl polei
gl mesq, lio, david!!
Worm 4 team BE
need lineups!!!
only idiots would bet without knowing the lineups
should be easy for Poland :>
max maus lio mesq dav1d acid
yeaH..Go Go Go Poland!! but why wiesiek ??
pol > bel
be will take it
BELgeeks *
Ahah indeed in french Belgique = Belgeek :D
for prononciation only :D (or not :P)
Go Go Poland GL!!!
Like NErD, biNLaden... BELgeeks x)
Poland 2.00 vs 2.00 Belgium Total pot: 633743 € nice:D
POL ftw

bez wieska to nie to samo... ;(
mAus and rest imo
what a be lineup, and it's not even the best :>
2-0 bel
2:0 bel n1 spawnkilling =p
why cant we see gold?
oh boy 9min on braun :x
pol 4-2 bel
how unlucky can you get :/ @ braun.

nice one poland
mAx noob kk
very good game!
<3 polaken
nice job kot & oic
4-2 pol ???
poland was clearly better on grush and braun, plz no "luck" whine
nice defence from be :D NOT
wp, too bad 1sec spawn @ b4
kot, robol nice job!

polska pany mAus pobrany! :D:D:D

yeea! teraz półfinał z Finlandia (...)
nice game!
gg cgrats polski
Your bet: 18108E on BEL Lost

But I'm really happy ! :D:D
gg polannd !!!!!!!!!!!!
Thrilling game. =)
wp poland
NETR won wp & gg
haha :D poland will win this nC izi
very WP
Thx Polish owners :]
[flag=p] vs [flag=ger] in final :D
pl = [ flag=pl ]
de = [ flag=de ]
wplayed wp-ed :)
time for a new team be team fo sho!
need shewie for sure
NEW team, not the old one
names for the new one ?
ever heard of kevin? jetro? just to name 2
yes for kevin, he played with cZar. Jetro not :\ I want to see them playing before judging them :)
randori worm skeiz flshy darkii jimini jetro (old players maus + david)
jetro word waarschijnlijk gebanned door @ guidspoofing dus dat word hem niet
<rAndori> turn it off
jetro das mogelijk
randori gebruikt geen cheats :)
@ Graecos: you can spec our next ettv game !
randori had het tegen mij toen ik een 1on1 tegen hem speelde =] en jetro heeft kr3y en tensu aka laguna geguidspoofed maar cb banned niet voor guidspoofing maar ze gaan nog ip's checken en als hij stable ip heeft dan word hij miss gebanned =)
randori had het tegen mij =]
What's your team ? still OCTense ?
sheep had hetzelfde dertijd gedaan, niet gebanned
end of disc
jetro das mogelijk
randori gebruikt geen cheats

ik dacht dat je dacht dat ik het over hem had :D dat je dacht dat ik zei dat hij cheate =]
waarschijnlijk had hij dan geen stable ip maar jetro heeft dat volgens mij wel \o/ maarja nvm we zien wel
Lose jetro, get Worm in! :D
Your bet: 45€ on POL Won 91.80€
poland hacked the spawntimes again how lucky can you be...
<3 mAus
hacked the spawntimes again ?? - stfu poor skill boy
how lucky can you be... ?? - maybe BEL=lotto, but POL=skill
stfu Belgian whiners !!
BEL lost last final in Lottonest.. not really lucky there
And Pol has not only skill, but pro lags aswell!
Bel = lotto ? omfg :x
praccing makes a team
next time put a better team togehter belgium :o gl next match! =]
shewie <3
Mam takie pytanie do wszystkich. Jak można się dostać do jakiejś Ligi?