encrypt vs Splendid (6986 views)

de mental
gb hvK
hr danL
se cupcaKe
hr diablos
si m1ke
gb Fumble
gb tyyrd
nl RMY
se kNas
ca shaun
nl IceQ
6on6 OpenCup Fall 2011

Premier League
Group D
Matchweek 3
27.10.11 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET SW 6on6 OpenCup Fall 2011 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: mental (Requestee)
Maps: Karsiah_te2
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 22292
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 9


gl splendid no inferno XD
No inferno.. no win..
Nice! I hope to be specing. Gl :)
gl aero!
gl spld
Fumble, if you lose im disowning you. That is all :)
best start packing now then :p
Whoes fumble I only see Feytt
gl Aero :)

hf mental & adeto :)
Qexki mdr ?
gl m1ke + supski
gl m1ke
gl danl,m1ke,cupcake & adeto !
gl shaun & rito
gl mantel :)
i cant play @ this time :p
m1ke izkaži se :))) gledal te bom :)
gl m1ke! :D
gl supskicrew

100 $ on u
Splendid vs Splendid
gl m1ke mental and supski :)
gl adeto
cupcake vs sHAUN, the battle of enLANced.
we won a game! so we are better enlanced!

You have € 993 on eu Aero Cancel bet
Possible win: € 1141.95
supski using wild card
gl aero
Splendid will win

i think splendid will take this
I'm pretty sure we are not playing this at 19CET
ofc wtf we asked for same time 22 CET
told fumble 21cet, apparently it would be easier for you guys
gl splendid

splendid encrypt fail
just use aero eSports or zeroE encrypt
why would we use a name of a clan in which we're not?
clash of titans
why am i in the lineup?
ask fumble, thats the Lineup from monday
oh ok, haven't played for ages ..
Oh noes shaun!
gl crotards
lu IceQ RMY fumble kNas shaun rito
gl supski
delay like always
shaun so BAD
Knew Splendid would take this.
gg :-/
god felt silly to sit and camp controls just waiting for no one to come -.-
You have € 100 on spLd
You won € 117
kNas doing well in premier :) :)
not even taking it serious man :p so go and rensa fisk u *@sfa£@$
lol http://clanbase.ggl.com/warinfo.php?wid=11130848 real match <--- supski still alive
easy solution, pm the admin, say it's mutually agreed for an earlier date = problem solved
something is wrong with the stats, i tell you that!
All seems normal, you're lowest damages? :D

joking man :p
i had 0 dmg on 2nd round karshia? :<
Splendid jebane kurwy bez honoru !