Horses vs Team Decerto (6548 views)

au dongo
au Witface
au Volta
au Chevron
jp Kirark
au Cheezel
nl saKen
nl SQuid
pl fanatic
nl joshua
pl grzesiek

CyberGamer Australia | CyberGamer Europe
Premier League Match
30.10.11 12:00 CET
Get Button LinksHTML:
Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CyberGamer ET 5v5 Prize Leagues » Matchlink
Manager: biggz (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 43113
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 46


shouldnt it be 1300? :D
lol not this again! 30/10/11 - Sunday 10:00PM AEDT was the latest time offered by horses (which you accepted).

22:00:00 Sunday October 30, 2011 in Australia/NSW (AEDT) converts to
12:00:00 Sunday October 30, 2011 in CET

Australian daylight savings strikes again!
ah your fuckin timezone changed again!
CG's default server time zone is Austlralia/NSW (AEST -1hr and AEDT +1hr for daylight savings). So ignore any info passed on by people that live in Queensland or Western Australia!
gl Kirark
dongo on 48 ping xD afk
Gl mousecontrol
gl dongo volta
hf Mouse Control
gl an7ho
Kirark one skilled person here joke*
Kirark pwns em all
omg kirark omg
no ettv? :(
geek !
will it be played on an australian server or on an US/whatever server to make it more """fair"""?
Its an Australian cup so on an Australian server :)
Its an Australian cup so on a German server :)
would be the best option
fanatic sucks.
most people are hungover and in bed recovering from last night, and u guys will be online playing ET

gawd, such a victim of cliche
Last Login Today 03:58

lol browsing gamestv on the party. true gamer >:)
man just so nerdy to play at sunday morning, u need to re-assess your life..

pl fanatic` Wednesday, 26th October 2011 21:56
was typing from my phone :p

lol browsing gamestv from the phone. true gamer >:)
man just so nerdy to browse my all comments, u need to re-assess your life..
HAHA nerd got rolled by fellow countrymen :DDDDD
I am not browsing often and I remember things thanks to which I had a good laugh. As you see, your comment took place 4 days ago, so if you have registered your account 4 days ago, then yes, you might say I browsed all your comments :XDD
that is fucking pretty damn nerdy to visit gamestv on your mobile haha lol ;dd
Sorry that I chose to write a comment on gamestv instead of sending a text message to frogZ haha lol ;ddd
bet u go on on ur phone to look cool so people around u think ur texting ur friend or something :DD
you jelly cuz your phone cannot into internet????? q8)
dat an7ho fag :: enjoy
Kirark will deliver 8)
gl horses!
Easybash for kirark
hands shaking like mad
gl An7ho, fanatic!
wp fanatic and SQuid
You have € 50 on nl MouseCon
You won € 75.5

thanks sQuid!
capital S ! but it was fun.
You have € 11698 on MouseCon
You won € 17663.98
nice :)