Team Decerto vs Frogz Squad (6765 views)

nl saKen
nl SQuid
nl joshua
fr An7ho
pl zMk
sk filuS
fr serial
fr emorej
fr kartez
es WeZoR
fr maxuh
be xAv
25.10.11 22:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET EuroCup XXIV » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: saKen (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 47986
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 88


emorej + ec?>
gl mouss
gl an7ho <3
Gl joshua & kartez
gl fab
if mCon wins 4:2 .... mCon and frog are in playoffs
if mCon wins 4:0 .... mCon and limbo are in playoffs
if frogs wins .... frog and limbo are in playoffs

sounds interesting :)
if we win 4-0 we face dQ
if we win 4-2 we face g2p
if we lose, we are out.

find this more interesting ;(
for an outstanding person its funny and interesting :)
stfu don...................................................................

:PP j/k mate!
I fucking hate you people for doing this e-gayness

"friend :PPP"
"mate <3 :P GL HF!"
idd :D
gl zMk
GL MC! i gotta come to watch ! and ofc bets on you ;)
gl kartez !!
Frogz will win 4-2
with your reschedule ? :{D
on joue cette aprem à 15h30 tu savais pas??
gl An7ho ^^
GL ma catin ! GL le belge aussi :)
kartez <3 GL !
gl both :)
haha pech gehat tomasz <3
gl an7ho
gl mCon
Izi frogs!
GL frogz
Gl frogs!
pas le temps de jouer se soir :p
WeZoR instead of Aniki
serial instead of mouss
1-1 double Fh at radar.
You have € 32 on Frog
Possible win: € 90.88
You have € 10 on fr Frog
You lost

Decider or money back pls.....
You have € 195 on MouseCon
You won € 300.3
mCon out of EC?
no , they won so they are in
we're either first or second I think
yeah, just got it... had wrong scores in mind :S
second ;);)
what makes you think that?
CB orders it alphabetically when rounds won/lost are equal
they should do it on who beat who 1st^^
I'm talking about how it's displayed on the page, for the "real" result they do indeed look at who beat who and net points I think. We'll have to wait and see what they do!
Serial <3
Serial <3
Crack <3
Serial <3
Serial <3
Serial <3
pawel <3
Cereal <3
kartez 3rd div?!?!!?!
where? cant see any final 2nd match soz

seareal <3
No punkk no win
true :)
c'est quand le prochain match? Je suis encore éligible à jouer dans n'importe quelle ligue de CB :DDDDDD
jsais pas
le group stage est maintenant fini - je vais plancher sur les playoffs et surement online d'ici quelques jours
quelques jours pour faire les playoffs??

et les délais alors???

oh mon dieu
nous sommes 4 jours en avance sur la date prévue pour la fin des playoffs, donc pas de stress
pourtant il a fallu stressé auparavant car on avait pas 2 jours de plus??