ofc ofc vent vent vs teamoxid (3772 views)

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de kiwi
de stray
is phyzic
24.10.11 23:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: stray (Generaladmin)
Maps: Adlernest
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 8246
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 30


inb4 webe and co. :D
nerdy nie zwalniaja tempa
lepiej grac jak siedziec i komentowac na gtv :o)
a co mam robic o 23 w poniedzialek, do weekendu daleko zeby sie najebac
w poniedzialki tez mozna pic :)
You have € 60 on eu ofc ofc
Possible win: € 228.6

wassabi rosnij duzy!
hf promen ;DDD
and hf phyzic
know i know why i suck! brain > ET! :D
You have € 311 on eu ofc ofc
You won € 1097.83

predi > phyzic

didnt specced tho just loling that they won the game without ya :D and with they lost trolol
ye well shit happens ;D you get unlucky in a match with 2 lotto maps you get screwed :/
dzieki za kaske :D
warum spielt ihr gegen solche leute? :/
weil es eigentlich np sein sollte h3h3h3
You have € 20 on eu ofc ofc
You won € 70.6
You have € 34 on ofc ofc
You won € 120.02

rolled :P
You have € 25 on eu ofc ofc
You won € 88.25

nur weil odds gut waren :c
You have € 2871 on oxid
You lost :_{D
LOOOOOL phyzic low
skilled guys are skilled :) Wp both!
no gr0ss no win