Catharsis bullet Zealot vs bSTURZ (3247 views)

fr Jiind3
be Azur
fr kallenge
pl Lucas
pl aDman
se fuchS
de fizZ
de ercan
nl Testi
pl Turki
26.10.11 21:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET SW 6on6 OpenCup Fall 2011 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: simoon59 (Requestee)
Maps: Missile_b3

Total Pot: € 18262
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 15


gl specula :)
gl cbz friends <33
You have € 30 on eu bSTURZ
Possible win: € 92.7

izi 4 specula
good maps are good
Tell me your LU i'll edit. I just autofilled :)
idk who will play =DDDDD
i am fucking confused atm
fuchS, sPECULA, Ercan, Testi, yEnch, Player, Turki, fizZ, MOTiF 6guys of this guys idk who yet :P
Player and yench already played with atoon I guess (or glitz dunno) so i'll pick the others :)
but player and yench left atoon and they played 1st div so they r allowed to play with our clan :x
A clan can use players during a match who are shown on their Allowed Players List and have not played in the same cup for another clan.
you can add a player to your apl that first) has NOT played in the cup already or second) has played for a team in a lower or equal division IF the player didnt play for one matchweek for any team. dont know where you got that sentence from but it is wrong.


is mir ja eigtl egal. nich das bsturz dann fliegt ^^ bei den cb admins weiss man nie :D
Der Satz steht da, aber wenn du weiter liest: "Using a player who is on your APL, but is not allowed to play (f.e they played for another clan in the same week) will result in a Red Card and match forfeit." Dementsprechend widerspricht sich da das Regelwerk selbst.
viel glück euch in den playoffs, ne.
gut gut :)
typisch cb halt :D
danke, aber noch sind wa nich durch :D^^
viele ec teams haben das auch gemacht wie ich das mitbekommen hab, aber irgendwie ist diese saison echt net normal und bei diesen admins weiß man auch nie, hast scho recht... kA was wir jetzt machen :////
and yench is already on the apl and player will be in some hours :P
something is wrong here, if they played last matchweek with atoon, they cannot play with u (need 1 week break :P)
hf azur and testi
le gl hf 0.60e on u cbz ! kiss specula
gl fuchs specula and testi!
le gl specula turki adman azur :D!
should be a good game, hf both
gl motif mate!
gl lucas adman kallenge :D!
gl maDman :*
gl Specula m8!
gl azur fuchs + testi :)
Lucas i aDman vs Turki, coz za pojedynek
turki > All
easy bsturz :P
Forfeit win for CBZ
bSTURZ dropped out
who the fucking care, just get 6 players and play
speculam8 :/
merc avi, will roll
we arent allowed to play with our new lu :x
ercan is offline
wp !!
no play parce que kaka a pas eu d'érection?
How many lu bSTURZ had the last two months ? I'm confused :(
they will pick you up soon mate !
me 2 mate me 2 :x