kettutytot vs teamoxid (3714 views)

fi Webe
fi devix
fi caej
de predi
de kiwi
de stray
26.10.11 00:15 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: stray (Generaladmin)
Maps: Adlernest
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Total Pot: € 5697
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Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 15


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Possible win: € 2393.64

Easy moneys
oxid lost to some random pl nubs, so guess i will place my money on the fins
u are random de noob ;c
well i dont play on a serious level due to work... but i just said that becauze some of them (oxid guys) are atleast playing ec and thus are a bit know...on the other hand we got some pl guys i never heard of sorry about that, wp and wish you a nice week
playing EC and being good in 3v3 have little relevance.
just a thought
i never said playing ec means that you are good in et..see my comment..i just mentioned the more known players lost against some unknown polaks in the match before...
I know, didn't try to provoke. but since the 3on3 scene is not so visual (at least in its entirety) there are at least some good players playing 3on3 who you're probably never heard of

but this conversation isn't going anywhere, gn

6o6 = teamplay
3o3 = aim

but who cares we are nonames

imo you are wrong, Im not a good aimer yet I do think im pretty decent at 3on3 :')
yes u are squidboy :p
playing ec doesnt mean ur being skilled... duh, and just u dont know them, doesnt mean that they aint good or known.
die polen hatten luck & cheaten^^
le fu
most fun i have had in ages
gegen gegner ohne wandhack ist es einfach einfacher ^^
Fragstealer kettut caej 174 damage per frag

You have € 475 on fi ketut!
You lost

alles klar kollegen kaktus
kettut lost adler? i see
on a serious note; we lost it because caej cant talk at this time now :/
n/c for u oxid...
omg devix omg u lose on adler ! !! ! take demos ! !