Pr0.Gaming vs Aim Gaming (4110 views)

17.06.07 22:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Killerboy (Requestee)
Maps: Braundorf_b4

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de #9th-Dimension [ETTV]
By: _tuX (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 19


lines up?
Gl & HF

i bet my clan :P #Prog|
A+R vs. wnb pro´s :o
yeah thats true...
pr0.gaming new cwg? :D
every day match with ettv ^^
Most likely Aim Gaming Line-Up:
nl Revolution
nl Caesar
fi mAd
lol pim... 1ste ETTV? haha
gl & hf
too late for me ^^
Pr0 Gaming vs. Aim Gaming :DDDD
i like these names olololo
gl hf both teams
Total Slots: 20
too much WC games...
causes overload ofc
pr0 gaming = new cwg?
idd all they need is their own ettv server like cwg :D
were getting one very very s00n tbh
damn :/
u aint just undercover cwg guys?
almost all your comments ive saw and from youre clanmates arent replyed :x
mtkillerboy = #1gtv spammer..
jaja <3 u im d one who made u rich last 2 matches xD
i didnt even bother bet on your matches...and i wont again
mummy > killerboy
go get yourself i clan m8, not my prob u left d clan.
and please: STOP USING OUR SERVER AND OUR CLAN's TIME with ur LAME posting that u are a HIGH SKILLER . lmao
med+ player has spoken.... low MAX skill
lol i never said im high and tbh i never use youre server
yesterday u just got kicked from it..... or maybe u were drunk haha
lol i didnt use it <.< i was just looking @ your suckage :)
gl aim
score ???
4-0 Aim haha
i dont play and we lose .. normal
admin final score please!!
pro.gaming sucks ;)
Your team punk'd sucks, reasons:
Forcing a team to play on ettv
Calling votes to mute your own spectator when you loose spawns.

pls so lame.
We called vote coz he dont chat in lobby with us.
And then xD lets talk about lame
we made fullhold to u and u started to whine
And when the game started then u said us "We wont go to ettv coz we own u"
Nice owning
Better whineing
nice english

u have proof we started to whine? u whined cos of our maxpackets where set to 60 and rate 15k.
if u see cb rules, ull know what i mean.

anyway rematch whenever u want and we'll play with our best team.
and on ettv aswell.
send me screenshots :S
check xfire on CB
lol i forgot that u are polish faggot soz...
i think that, you have been on geography lessons and know Polish flag`?
+ i have screenshots and demos.. so if u want i can up them
u need that, seriously on your demo u can see 50 ping constant so we cant be polish laggers, if we had gd ping and were not polish...

+ i have screenshots and demos.. so if u want i can up them

can UP them....

stfu pls killerboy.. ur showing to everyone how kid you are..
when ill win d eurocup ill grow up xDDDDDDDD

NOT :)