Germany vs Portugal (18695 views)

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WorldCup - Winners Bracket Round 3
24.06.07 23:00 CEST
Awards awarded to for
Lady Macbeth *** snooplicator 110 kills
Killing Spree *** fLiXX 6 frags without being killed
Accountant *** snooplicator 118% kills/killed ratio
He's dead, Jim! *** snooplicator 36 gibs
...and stay dead! zen*** 48% gibs/kill
Lead Poisoning *** snooplicator 80 SMG kills
Spammity spam spam! *** haZer 49 SPAM kills
Fragstealer *** sexyhot 126 damage per frag
Die! Damn you, Die! NxM 252 damage per frag
What objective? *** koto 583 XP
Red Shirt *** IuR 113 deaths
Are these pliers sharp? *** sexyhot 14 deaths without fragging
Med Pack Whore *** butchji 178 damage per death
Eyes Wide Shut *** kMt 10 team kills
Gingerbread man *** haZer 26 /kills
Player Summary for the entire Match
[-] (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
*** fLiXX674627010317242011733117883130/02/557/6614/1516811267
*** rAmiN65243335140810553565843660/04/334/293/816812947
*** haZer904009410324122613994112204770/039/10/6549/1314910846
*** wEAK98491878912051812317151713920/16/278/548/1414217048
*** snooplicator1184761109336022316173124135110/02/280/6028/1314713365
*** butchji8958177872201171618315282760/01/874/553/1021017645
*** 892653471526115322114759357245821350/054/8323/55105/1016413856
*** sexyhot913964853130611701469498680/10/946/4119/25146131414
*** kMt85480871011511020154341081115051/02/1367/5718/11177106512
*** IuR744628611322342115195141065710/010/746/5934/2417712246
*** koto100583818124041214476138393170/03/1076/466/2017917146
*** archy 62395609711021911935136662671/03/750/597/1719914146
Player Summary for supply
[-] 1st Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
*** rAmiN10514819184058321627702560/04/219/71/1/K/KTKT/DKDKD/KDK/KK/K/KKTK/DDKTKKKDKKDDTD
*** haZer116107292590111400724902830/013/10/1411/2/KKT/KK/KK//KKKD/K/KDDDDKK/K/DKK/KXKKDKKDKDKDDKXXK/KKDDDKK
*** wEAK84139222680114340032811030/12/016/105/0///K/KDKKDKDKK/KK/KKD/DDD/T/K//KDKDDKK/K/KKK/DKKD
*** snooplicator1501383624120110487025161790/00/029/138/2/KKK/DKK//KKKDKK/KKKDK/KKKDDK/KKKDDKKKTK/KKKDKXK/K/KDDDKKDKKDD
*** butchji801382126601947614309580/00/220/142/3/DD/DXKDDKDXK/KKDDDK/KKDKDK/DDK/DKKDKKK/KKK//TKDKD
*** 112799156140480105824743175829470/120/6105/7235/11
*** sexyhot6610523001124057000/00/22/140/7DDDDXD/KDDDTDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
*** kMt609817282025284429943921/00/416/162/3KD/KDDDK//DDDKKKD/DKKDTX/KDDKKDDKDDDKTDDDDKKKDKD
*** IuR5011416327116341747131760/02/211/144/8SDDDDDKKD/D/TDDDD/KDDKKDDKDD/DDKDD/K/KDKKDDKKKDXKK
*** koto6212718292023341343612010/00/617/163/6DKKDKKDDKK/TDDDKDDKK/KKD/XDDDKDKDDDKDKDDDKKDXDDDKTD
*** archy 40105123040042737371000/00/19/182/7D/KDDDKD/X/DKKD/DDKDDKDDKDDDKDDKDKKDDDDDDKD

[-] 2nd Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
*** fLiXX4610913282016211929511580/00/112/142/6DKDDKK//DKDDK/DK/DDDDDKDKKDD/TD/DDDKKDKDDK
*** rAmiN26956230021231938141100/00/06/152/6DDDD/KDDDKKDDDDDDDTDDDKDKKDDDTD
*** haZer958920215016288223701940/08/00/1413/1KD/KKKDTKD/DK/KK/KKDDKDK/KDKDDKDD/KDKDKDKK
*** wEAK901001820201227853819220/02/017/160/3KDKKKD/KDD/DDDDDKKDKDDKKDKKDXKDKKDTKDKKD
*** snooplicator805820256003249133931470/02/011/207/4KKK/DDDKDK/DDKKKDKDD/DDKKDDDDXKDKDKDDKDKDXKKXKDK
*** butchji52861019300120973261180/00/010/160/3DKDXDKDKDKDDDKDDKD/KKDKDKDDDDD
*** 655378713618051914693196086490/012/156/9524/23
*** sexyhot100831515600324371576540/00/212/95/4D/KDDKDKKDK/KDKKKDK/DDKDDKKDKDKDKKD
*** kMt12514125207006440817142020/01/416/95/2KDK/KD/KKD/D/DKKKDKKDKKKKK/KD/KDKXKDKKKDKKDKDD
*** IuR1201043025611943552126750/00/224/87/5KD/DDKK/K/KK/KKDK/KKKKDKKDKDKK/KKDDK/KDK/DKTSDDKKK/KKDKD
*** koto1061261716500533982406180/00/016/71/4KDKKDKKDDKKDK/DK/KK/K/KDDKK/KDKDD
*** archy 76931621401630032982700/00/414/103/2DDKDDDKK/KDD/K/XDT/KKDKKDKDK/K/KDDKDKKD
Player Summary for sw_goldrush_te
[-] 1st Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
*** fLiXX506971421127601919260/00/07/91/3DD/DDDDKXD/TKDSKKDDKKKDD
*** rAmiN80081000110000/00/19/70/1KDKDDDTKKKKDDDDKK/D
*** haZer575481410001701171100/05/00/133/2DDDDDDKKKDDKDKDDDDDKKXK
*** wEAK127711411000017132357180/01/013/70/4KKDKKDKDKDDXKKKDKKDDKKDDKD
*** snooplicator133821612501127781665460/00/111/86/2KDKKKKDDKKKKKDKDD/KDDKDKTKKDD
*** butchji696991320012157223300/01/28/80/2KDKDDDKK/DDDKKKDKDDDDK
*** 8634562741013591099885900/07/448/5210/14
*** sexyhot1004110001246000/10/07/45/4KDDKKK/KDK/DDDTKKKKXXDK
*** kMt12378161310042678128500/00/213/61/1KKDDKK/KDDK/KKDK/KK/KKKDDKDKD
*** IuR55801120411325201993610/00/34/128/1DKKD/DDK/KSKDKDDDD/TDDKKDKDKDDKD
*** koto160120161060022479203500/02/114/70/1KDKKKDKK/DKDKKXDKK/KDDKKKKD
*** archy 915911122012133720791431/02/19/70/2KK/KKDKDDDDKD/DTDKKKKDDK

[-] 2nd Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
*** fLiXX463261311029961096180/00/05/100/0KKSDKDDD/K/KKDDDDDD
*** haZer703471020011210131000/01/00/85/1KDDD/DKKDDDDKDKKK
*** wEAK66428120002114118041310/00/08/70/3DKK/DKDKD/DKDKDDKDDK
*** snooplicator130621310200120391651670/00/08/75/2KDKDDKKKKKKDKD/KDDKKDDK
*** butchji1116910910001948160300/00/110/70/1KKDDKKKDKKDKDKDDKDD
*** 8523944546106733474642160/01/131/3910/7
*** sexyhot10035994021118510203370/00/06/45/4DDTKDDDTKKDKKKDK/KDK
*** kMt110541110202214678981350/01/09/73/2KDDXKKKKDDDK/KK/KDKDTTKD
*** IuR55455910001126173300/00/04/71/2KDKDDDKDKDDKDXD
*** koto1005966300091397900/00/06/40/2DDKDKDDKKXKKD
*** archy 1004499100216081374360/00/17/52/2DKKDKXKDDD/K/DKKKKD
Player Summary for frostbite
[-] 1st Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
*** fLiXX61901118200327022355180/01/29/131/1DKDDKKDKK/DDK/KKKDDDDDDKDKX/DD
*** haZer9067182040052912207200/07/00/1110/4KDKD/KKKKDK/K/DDDDKKK/KKK/DKDKDDDKDDKD
*** wEAK123961613202023562714770/01/115/92/3KKKKDDDTDDKDDKKDKDDKDKKKDKKKTDK
*** snooplicator153982013800525622035720/00/017/81/1DKDKDKK/XKK/KK/KDKKKKKDKDKK/K/KDDK
*** butchji153145201360043849256100/00/319/61/1KXKKKDKDKKDDK/KDKKKDDKDK/K/K/KKKKD
*** 116496857722021714381117371670/09/660/4715/10
*** sexyhot779614182023207125932910/00/312/94/3DKKDDKDKT/DTKKDKKDDDD/K/KDDKDDKKDK
*** kMt40728202121255627982050/00/27/143/1DDKKSKDDKKDDDDDDDDDDD/TDKDKKTD
*** IuR888415172001264426211790/05/03/137/4KKDDDDDXKK/KDXDDKDKDDDKKKKDKDDKDKK
*** koto1231021613601027482852720/01/215/91/4KDKKDTKDDKDKKDKKDDKDKDDKXDKDKKXK
*** archy 4168717000419812291180/00/07/120/2/DDXDDKKD/KXD/KDDKKDKDDDD/

[-] 2nd Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
*** fLiXX44334910116671251250/00/13/62/2DDK/XKDDDDKDTKD
*** haZer9249121331031282126700/05/00/57/3D//KDKD/KDKKKDKKSKKDKKDDD
*** wEAK128439700109221196410/00/19/51/1KDKDKDDKKKDDKTKDK
*** snooplicator55385930031433115300/00/14/41/2K//D/DDKDDDKKXK
*** butchji100747740021371131500/00/07/40/0/KDDKDDKKKDKK/X
*** 8423737451112956756182660/05/323/2411/8
*** sexyhot8736781001103511901860/00/27/10/3DKKKDK/KDKDDDKD
*** kMt1003710101042148111225710/00/16/54/2KDKKKKDT/KK/DKDDKDDDTTTK
*** IuR903591020121133920800/03/00/57/4KKTDDKK/DDKDDKKKK/DDX
*** koto1144987201215251206260/00/18/31/3KXKKDK/K/TKDKDKDDX
*** archy 62265800011269123000/01/04/70/2DDKDKKKXDKD/DDX

» View plaintext endround stats
Player Chats
WorldCup virtuje@kater [Warmup]: (not)+
*** koto [Warmup]: nxm
NxM [Warmup]: we need all ur members to complain! sorry :-(
*** koto [Warmup]: lolololol
NxM [Warmup]: :D
WorldCup virtuje@kater [Warmup]: ready up or I'll do it
*** rAmiN [Countdown]: hfhf
NxM [Countdown]: i have to pay for the fom so pls lead ze game :<
*** sexyhot [Countdown]: youtube!
WorldCup virtuje@kater [Countdown]: hf
WorldCup virtuje@kater [Countdown]: np
*** snooplicator [14:52]: ^^
[14:41]: Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[12:21]: The Allies have captured the forward bunker!
*** archy [12:13]: :]
[12:05]: The Depot Fence has been constructed.
[11:40]: The Allies have breached the Forward Bunker Gate!
[11:24]: The Allies have opened up the Forward spawn rear exit!
[11:10]: Match is PAUSED! (Allies)
[11:09]: Match resuming in 105 seconds!
[11:09]: Match resuming in 90 seconds!
[11:09]: Match resuming in 75 seconds!
[11:09]: Match resuming in 60 seconds!
*** koto [11:09]: we may have to switch a player sexyhot got disconected
[11:09]: Match resuming in 45 seconds!
*** butchji [11:09]: hurry then
WorldCup virtuje@kater [11:09]: k
*** kMt [11:10]: STFU THEN
*** koto [11:10]: ah hes back
*** snooplicator [11:09]: only 50 secs left
*** koto [11:09]: nevermind
[11:09]: Match resuming in 30 seconds!
[11:09]: Match resuming in 15 seconds!
*** archy [11:09]: :]
*** archy [11:10]: :]
*** archy [11:10]: :]
[11:09]: *** sexyhot Server command overflow
[11:10]: -.- connected
[11:09]: Match resuming in 10 seconds!
[11:09]: Match resuming in 9 seconds!
[11:09]: Match resuming in 8 seconds!
[11:09]: Match resuming in 7 seconds!
[11:09]: Match resuming in 6 seconds!
[11:09]: Match resuming in 5 seconds!
[11:09]: Match resuming in 4 seconds!
[11:09]: Match resuming in 3 seconds!
[11:09]: Match resuming in 2 seconds!
[11:09]: Match resuming in 1 seconds!
[11:09]: FIGHT!
[11:09]: Match is PAUSED! (Referee)
*** snooplicator [11:09]: :<
*** snooplicator [11:09]: usefull
*** archy [11:09]: go!
WorldCup virtuje@kater [11:09]: ready?
*** butchji [11:09]: usefull!
*** koto [11:09]: go
*** butchji [11:09]: :-o
[11:09]: Match resuming in 10 seconds!
[11:09]: Match resuming in 9 seconds!
[11:09]: Match resuming in 8 seconds!
*** koto [11:09]: :)
[11:09]: Match resuming in 7 seconds!
[11:09]: Match resuming in 6 seconds!
[11:09]: Match resuming in 5 seconds!
[11:09]: Match resuming in 4 seconds!
[11:09]: Match resuming in 3 seconds!
[11:09]: Match resuming in 2 seconds!
[11:09]: Match resuming in 1 seconds!
[11:09]: FIGHT!
[9:40]: The Allies have breached the Depot's west wall!
[9:19]: Allied team has destroyed the Axis Command Post!
[9:15]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[7:28]: The Allies have breached the Depot's east wall!
*** archy [6:16]: :]
*** archy [6:16]: :]
*** archy [6:16]: :]
[6:12]: The Allies have breached the Depot Gate!
[4:56]: The Allied Truck is in position!
[3:05]: Match is PAUSED! (Allies)
[3:04]: Match resuming in 105 seconds!
*** snooplicator [3:04]: .<
[3:04]: Match resuming in 90 seconds!
[3:04]: Match resuming in 75 seconds!
[3:04]: Match resuming in 60 seconds!
[3:04]: Match resuming in 45 seconds!
*** snooplicator [3:04]: greets so the germans
[3:04]: Match resuming in 30 seconds!
*** snooplicator [3:04]: to*
[3:04]:' connected
[3:04]: Match resuming in 15 seconds!
*** koto [3:05]: move mno to spec pls
*** koto [3:05]: admin
[3:04]: *** archy called a vote.
[3:04]: Vote cancelled
*** koto [3:04]: zen will replace him
[3:04]: *** mno Server command overflow
*** archy [3:04]: :]
*** koto [3:04]: thx
[3:04]: Match resuming in 10 seconds!
[3:04]: Match resuming in 9 seconds!
[3:04]: Match resuming in 8 seconds!
[3:04]: Match resuming in 7 seconds!
[3:04]: Match resuming in 6 seconds!
[3:04]: Match resuming in 5 seconds!
[3:04]: Match resuming in 4 seconds!
[3:04]: Match resuming in 3 seconds!
[3:04]: Match resuming in 2 seconds!
NxM [3:04]: didnt zen play with playboys?
[3:04]: Match resuming in 1 seconds!
[3:04]: FIGHT!
*** koto [3:01]: no
*** archy [2:42]: adin?
*** koto [2:07]: thx for the server
*** archy [2:04]: ADMIN?
*** kMt [2:04]: ya
WorldCup virtuje@kater [2:01]: ?
*** archy [1:56]: sexy?
*** kMt [1:52]: can u see the fucking pings?
[1:51]: Match is PAUSED! (Axis)
*** snooplicator [1:51]: @_@
*** koto [1:51]: we are always getting disconnected here
[1:51]: Match resuming in 105 seconds!
*** koto [1:51]: unfuckinplayable
*** wEAK [1:51]: lO_ol
*** butchji [1:51]: god Im such a fair player
*** butchji [1:51]: :-)
*** archy [1:51]: p5'butchji: I mean its no problem to own humanized aimbotters - but not when they are as unhitable as Winghaven
*** archy [1:51]: butchji sends a private message to gengis on crossfire: Why do you and pzyqo play with someone who is spoofing Winghaven and cheats? :-O
*** fLiXX [1:51]: :-> Happy <-:
[1:51]: Match resuming in 90 seconds!
*** snooplicator [1:51]: the fairest
[1:51]: Match resuming in 75 seconds!
[1:51]: Match resuming in 60 seconds!
*** koto [1:51]: he keeps getting disconnected here
WorldCup virtuje@kater [1:51]: not my fault, the match was forced (with servers 'n stuff) and noone pm'ed me
*** kMt [1:51]: our server next map maybe?
*** koto [1:51]: mno cant join server
*** snooplicator [1:51]: how many slots?
*** koto [1:51]: nice
*** snooplicator [1:51]: we wont play without ettv
*** koto [1:51]: sure
[1:51]: Match resuming in 45 seconds!
[1:51]: -.- connected
[1:51]: Match resuming in 30 seconds!
*** kMt [1:51]: admin´s spec who fucking cares about ur fan´s boys lol.
*** wEAK [1:51]: sexyhot went 999
*** koto [1:51]: we will not play 2nd map in these condicions
*** wEAK [1:51]: :-I
*** snooplicator [1:51]: i smell forfeit
[1:51]: Match resuming in 15 seconds!
*** koto [1:51]: either we change next or u can go ahead and play final
*** fLiXX [1:51]: : >
*** koto [1:51]: yep
*** IuR [1:51]: I SMELL UR MOTHER
*** snooplicator [1:51]: unpause
*** kMt [1:51]: me to :#$
[1:51]: Match resuming in 10 seconds!
[1:51]: NxM disconnected
NxM [1:51]: unpause
[1:51]: Match resuming in 9 seconds!
[1:51]: Match resuming in 8 seconds!
[1:51]: Match resuming in 7 seconds!
[1:51]: Match resuming in 6 seconds!
[1:51]: Match resuming in 5 seconds!
*** snooplicator [1:51]: ^^
[1:51]: Match resuming in 4 seconds!
[1:51]: Match resuming in 3 seconds!
WorldCup virtuje@kater [1:51]: guys plz, stop the childish behaviour
[1:51]: Match resuming in 2 seconds!
[1:51]: Match resuming in 1 seconds!
[1:51]: FIGHT!
WorldCup virtuje@kater [0:02]: gg
[Intermission]: >>> Clock set to: 15:00
*** kMt [Intermission]: 9999 AGAn :x
*** koto [Intermission]: sexy=999 again here
*** koto [Intermission]: :)
*** kMt [Warmup]: :)
*** koto [Warmup]: next map other server or we quit
*** koto [Warmup]: i'm serious
*** snooplicator [Warmup]: cant be unpurpose
*** snooplicator [Warmup]: do it write it like this? :S
*** wEAK [Warmup]: :D
*** snooplicator [Warmup]: lol
*** snooplicator [Warmup]: nice sentences was nice aswell
*** butchji [Warmup]: snoop trys to be the new humM3L
*** snooplicator [Warmup]: again
*** wEAK [Warmup]: sexyhot went 999
*** wEAK [Warmup]: :-I
*** butchji [Warmup]: old
*** koto [Warmup]: orly?
*** butchji [Warmup]: do you want us to attack or give straight forfeit?
*** archy [Warmup]: butchji sends a private message to gengis on crossfire: Why do you and pzyqo play with someone who is spoofing Winghaven and cheats? :-O
*** archy [Warmup]: p5'butchji: I mean its no problem to own humanized aimbotters - but not when they are as unhitable as Winghaven
*** snooplicator [Warmup]: against chile we played with 250
*** snooplicator [Warmup]: and we had no probs at all
*** koto [Warmup]: wanna play in portuguese server?
*** IuR [Warmup]: they played with 40?
*** kMt [Warmup]: yep but 9999 u can t play right or.. with 5?
*** snooplicator [Warmup]: no
*** koto [Warmup]: then stfu
*** snooplicator [Warmup]: i mean its not the servers fault that u get 999 all the time
*** wEAK [Warmup]: 105 is the worst ping i ve ever seen
*** wEAK [Warmup]: seriously
*** butchji [Warmup]: admin kMt is mean to us
*** butchji [Warmup]: :(
*** kMt [Warmup]: butchji for u im Mr.kMt
*** snooplicator [Warmup]: almost every competition is played on german or nl servers
*** snooplicator [Warmup]: cant get why its so bad now
WorldCup virtuje@kater [Warmup]: Team Deutschland grüßt tali
*** butchji [Warmup]: I bet on you portugal so you better own us now
*** koto [Warmup]: i asked for a nl server
WorldCup virtuje@kater [Warmup]: stimmts?
*** wEAK [Warmup]: nein.
*** wEAK [Warmup]: :-D
*** fLiXX [Warmup]: hallo tali
*** snooplicator [Warmup]: look man
*** archy [Warmup]: perfo help me
*** snooplicator [Warmup]: this server is in the middle of europe
WorldCup virtuje@kater [Warmup]: ready up
*** snooplicator [Warmup]: we wont play on a very east on
WorldCup virtuje@kater [Warmup]: plz!
[13:29]: NxM connected
[12:57]: NxM has been kicked via PunkBuster (for 0 minutes) ... RESTRICTION: Losing Key Packets (B) 3e8 10
[12:43]: The Allies have captured the forward bunker!
[12:39]: The Allies have breached the Forward Bunker Gate!
[12:36]: Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[12:08]: The Allies have opened up the Forward spawn rear exit!
[11:54]: NxM connected
[11:32]: NxM Unpure client detected. Invalid .PK3 files referenced!
[11:20]: Allied team has destroyed the Axis Command Post!
[11:17]: The Depot Fence has been constructed.
*** butchji [11:05]: sick
[11:00]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[10:52]: The Allies have breached the Depot Gate!
[10:07]: The Allies have breached the Depot's east wall!
[7:37]: The Allies have breached the Depot's west wall!
*** archy [7:23]: sick
[7:19]: The Allied Truck is in position!
[6:22]: The Crane Controls have been constructed.
[6:20]: The Allies have activated the crane!
[6:07]: The Allies have loaded the Gold Crate onto the Truck!
*** kMt [4:02]: see u @ frag movie !!!
[3:29]: The Allies have escaped with the Gold Crate!
[Intermission]: >>> Objective reached at 11:30 (original: 15:00)
WorldCup virtuje@kater [Intermission]: gg
*** archy [Intermission]: no
*** koto [Intermission]: next server or bb
*** butchji [Intermission]: exciting
*** butchji [Intermission]: bb
*** kMt [Intermission]: admin '
*** butchji [Intermission]: wP
*** kMt [Intermission]: ?
*** snooplicator [Intermission]: gg wp
*** snooplicator [Warmup]: means u dont wanna try it atleast?
*** koto [Warmup]: having a reunion atm
*** kMt [Warmup]: so? can we play our map? in our serveR? admin?
*** butchji [Warmup]: :-D
WorldCup virtuje@kater [Warmup]: nope, we'll play on this server
*** kMt [Warmup]: and why that?
*** butchji [Warmup]: he alrdy told u
*** butchji [Warmup]: few times
*** kMt [Warmup]: im talking to u ? fucking fatass
WorldCup virtuje@kater [Warmup]: cause everything is forced and some guys wanna spec that match
*** butchji [Warmup]: :-)
*** snooplicator [Warmup]: its common to play on a german or nl server
*** kMt [Warmup]: hum.. nice match
*** snooplicator [Warmup]: not a portoguese one....
*** butchji [Warmup]: kMt is a real eany
*** kMt [Warmup]: with 9999 ppl + lagh.
*** butchji [Warmup]: meany
*** archy [Warmup]: teams > ettv.
*** wEAK [Warmup]: lagh > all
*** wEAK [Warmup]: :<
*** archy [Warmup]: butchji sends a private message to gengis on crossfire: Why do you and pzyqo play with someone who is spoofing Winghaven and cheats? :-O
*** archy [Warmup]: p5'butchji: I mean its no problem to own humanized aimbotters - but not when they are as unhitable as Winghaven
*** archy [Warmup]: > all
*** butchji [Warmup]: maybe post it again
*** butchji [Warmup]: and it gets funny
*** butchji [Warmup]: :-D
*** archy [Countdown]: ok wait 2min :<
[Countdown]: *** kMtcalled a vote.
[Countdown]: -.- connected
*** snooplicator [Countdown]: 6th?
[Countdown]: *** Match Reset! ***
[Countdown]: Vote passed!
*** kMt [Warmup]: ew dont need 6 to play
*** kMt [Warmup]: like that
*** snooplicator [Warmup]: :<
*** snooplicator [Warmup]: its not that terrible
WorldCup virtuje@kater [Warmup]: i smell crossfire-journals :<
*** kMt [Warmup]: no?
*** kMt [Warmup]: ^^
*** snooplicator [Warmup]: no
*** kMt [Warmup]: i smell ur mother ass?
*** butchji [Warmup]: pls admin is from germany
*** butchji [Warmup]: baised
*** snooplicator [Warmup]: start pls
*** fLiXX [Warmup]: braucht ja keiner wissen das du für sowas auf enlarged n kasten bier umsonst kriegst
WorldCup virtuje@kater [Warmup]: useless insults
*** kMt [Warmup]: usless comment about crossfire.
WorldCup virtuje@kater [Warmup]: lol @ flixx
WorldCup virtuje@kater [Warmup]: xD
*** wEAK [Countdown]: have fun guys
*** archy [Countdown]: sAme
WorldCup virtuje@kater [Countdown]: hf
[14:16]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
*** kMt [14:12]: sexy999^^
[14:04]: Match is PAUSED! (Allies)
*** archy [14:04]: fair play!
*** archy [14:04]: :D
*** butchji [14:04]: is there any person who is as fair as I am?
*** kMt [14:04]: unpause
*** kMt [14:04]: stfu.
[14:04]: Match resuming in 105 seconds!
*** snooplicator [14:04]: its not the servers fault that he gets 999
*** IuR [14:04]: danke schon
*** archy [14:04]: butchji = fair play : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
*** kMt [14:04]: yes.
[14:04]: Match resuming in 90 seconds!
*** kMt [14:04]: sure.
*** snooplicator [14:04]: no
*** butchji [14:04]: <3
*** koto [14:04]: no... its my fault
*** snooplicator [14:04]: lol pls
*** koto [14:04]: lol
*** kMt [14:04]: 2 players with the same isp get 9999 every 2 min
*** snooplicator [14:04]: ye
[14:04]: Match resuming in 75 seconds!
*** koto [14:04]: i disconnect him from server on purpouse
*** kMt [14:04]: its about what?
*** snooplicator [14:04]: cuz their provider sucks or smth
*** wEAK [14:04]: the server makes him go 999, thats like so =LoL=
*** wEAK [14:04]: :D
[14:04]: Match resuming in 60 seconds!
*** IuR [14:04]: tv_chat 0
*** snooplicator [14:04]: if it would be the server everyone would be 999
[14:04]: Match resuming in 45 seconds!
*** butchji [14:04]: match of the week imo
[14:04]: Match resuming in 30 seconds!
[14:04]: *** sexyhot Server command overflow
[14:04]: -.- connected
*** IuR [14:04]: we ll play again soon
[14:04]: Match resuming in 15 seconds!
*** wEAK [14:04]: oki
*** butchji [14:04]: I have plenty timeouts for you
[14:04]: Match resuming in 10 seconds!
[14:04]: Match resuming in 9 seconds!
[14:04]: Match resuming in 8 seconds!
[14:04]: Match resuming in 7 seconds!
[14:04]: Match resuming in 6 seconds!
[14:04]: Match resuming in 5 seconds!
[14:04]: Match resuming in 4 seconds!
[14:04]: Match resuming in 3 seconds!
[14:04]: Match resuming in 2 seconds!
[14:04]: Match resuming in 1 seconds!
[14:04]: FIGHT!
*** sexyhot [14:03]: nice server we have here
*** sexyhot [14:03]: :)
[12:06]: The Tank has been repaired!
[12:03]: Allied team has stolen the Tank!
[11:44]: Tank Barrier #1 has been constructed.
*** fLiXX [11:23]: :-> Happy <-:
[11:06]: Tank Barrier #1 has been destroyed.
[10:48]: The Tank has been damaged!
[10:45]: Axis team has destroyed the Allied Command Post!
[10:36]: The Tank has been repaired!
[10:11]: The Tank has been damaged!
[10:06]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[10:03]: Match is PAUSED! (Allies)
*** koto [10:02]: ffs just rup
*** koto [10:02]: or we leave
*** butchji [10:03]: :-D
*** kMt [10:02]: .. plz could u stop?
*** butchji [10:03]: fairplay?
[10:02]: Match resuming in 105 seconds!
*** archy [10:03]: :|
*** kMt [10:02]: we wont come back he called me.
*** butchji [10:02]: ok If you want to
*** kMt [10:02]: unpause plz
[10:03]: Match resuming in 10 seconds!
[10:03]: Match resuming in 9 seconds!
[10:03]: Match resuming in 8 seconds!
[10:03]: Match resuming in 7 seconds!
[10:03]: Match resuming in 6 seconds!
[10:03]: Match resuming in 5 seconds!
[10:03]: Match resuming in 4 seconds!
*** koto [10:02]: ur time for fairplay expired when u forced us into this server
[10:03]: Match resuming in 3 seconds!
[10:03]: Match resuming in 2 seconds!
[10:03]: Match resuming in 1 seconds!
[10:03]: FIGHT!
[9:55]: The Tank has been repaired!
*** archy [9:55]: backraper
*** archy [9:54]: !
[9:41]: Allied team has destroyed the Bank Doors!
[9:28]: The Tank has been damaged!
[8:43]: *** sexyhot has been kicked via PunkBuster (for 0 minutes) ... General PB Client Authentication Failure - Reinstall PB if problem persists
WorldCup virtuje@kater [8:19]: pause or not?
*** archy [8:11]: why?
WorldCup virtuje@kater [8:01]: just a question
*** koto [7:53]: dont do stupid questions pls
[7:53]: -.- connected
[7:52]: Allied team is escaping with the Gold Crate!
WorldCup virtuje@kater [7:48]: "ok"
*** rAmiN [7:16]: k, i'm gone.
*** rAmiN [7:14]: gn8
[7:13]: *** rAmiN disconnected
[6:46]: Allied team escaped with the Gold Crate!
[Intermission]: >>> Clock set to: 8:14
WorldCup virtuje@kater [Intermission]: gg
*** sexyhot [Intermission]: nice admin
*** sexyhot [Intermission]: :)
*** sexyhot [Intermission]: we have here
WorldCup virtuje@kater [Warmup]: agree
WorldCup virtuje@kater [Countdown]: hf
[7:07]: The Tank has been repaired!
[7:04]: Allied team has stolen the Tank!
[6:53]: Match is PAUSED! (Referee)
*** butchji [6:53]: ???
*** archy [6:53]: why?
*** IuR [6:53]: lol
*** sexyhot [6:53]: AHAHAHAHA
*** sexyhot [6:53]: AHAHAHAHA
*** sexyhot [6:53]: AHAHAHAHA
*** sexyhot [6:53]: AHAHAHAHA
*** sexyhot [6:53]: AHAHAHAHA
*** kMt [6:53]: nice ^^
*** sexyhot [6:53]: AHAHAHAHA
*** sexyhot [6:53]: AHAHAHAHA
WorldCup virtuje@kater [6:53]: sup with ramin germany?
*** kMt [6:53]: lol
*** IuR [6:53]: :]
*** snooplicator [6:53]: he left
*** archy [6:53]: LOL
zen*** [6:53]: ::D::D:DD:D:D::D:D:D:D:D:D:D.d:d:d:d:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:
*** snooplicator [6:53]: np
*** sexyhot [6:53]: AHAHAHAHA
*** kMt [6:53]: lol
*** archy [6:53]: REF PAUSE!
*** koto [6:53]: oh ffs
*** archy [6:53]: AHAHA
zen*** [6:53]: :D:::DD:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:
*** snooplicator [6:53]: unpause
*** snooplicator [6:53]: unpause
[6:53]: Match resuming in 105 seconds!
*** butchji [6:53]: mach weiter virtu
*** snooplicator [6:53]: pls
*** archy [6:53]: <3 ref's
*** butchji [6:53]: :O
zen*** [6:53]: D:D:D:D:D:D::D:DD:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:
[6:53]: Match resuming in 10 seconds!
[6:53]: Match resuming in 9 seconds!
*** archy [6:53]: :]
*** archy [6:53]: :]
*** archy [6:53]: :]
[6:53]: Match resuming in 8 seconds!
*** archy [6:53]: :]
*** archy [6:53]: :]
[6:53]: Match resuming in 7 seconds!
zen*** [6:53]: tou a CORTIR
[6:53]: Match resuming in 6 seconds!
[6:53]: Match resuming in 5 seconds!
[6:53]: Match resuming in 4 seconds!
*** koto [6:53]: sexy will get disconnected in like 30 secs
[6:53]: Match resuming in 3 seconds!
[6:53]: Match resuming in 2 seconds!
[6:53]: Match resuming in 1 seconds!
[6:53]: FIGHT!
*** sexyhot [6:53]: askjhajksfhasf
*** IuR [6:33]: phone him butchi
*** butchji [6:28]: ?
[5:54]: Truck Barrier #1 has been constructed.
[5:35]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[5:27]: Allied team has destroyed the Bank Doors!
[5:06]: The Tank has been damaged!
*** butchji [4:06]: sick
[3:58]: Allied team is escaping with the Gold Crate!
[3:33]: Truck Barrier #1 has been destroyed.
WorldCup virtuje@kater [3:15]: hi schwup <3
*** snooplicator [2:55]: so when we play with 5 players ur inet works? :>
[2:40]: Allied team escaped with the Gold Crate!
*** archy [2:39]: dIcId3r?
[Intermission]: >>> Objective reached at 5:35 (original: 8:14)
WorldCup virtuje@kater [Intermission]: yes
*** archy [Intermission]: yea!
*** butchji [Intermission]: virtu rein mit dir!
*** sexyhot [Intermission]: ahahha
*** archy [Intermission]: >> HAPPY <<
WorldCup virtuje@kater [Intermission]: germany, get 6 players :q
*** sexyhot [Intermission]: worst game ever
*** sexyhot [Intermission]: worst game ever
*** sexyhot [Intermission]: worst game ever
*** sexyhot [Intermission]: worst game ever
*** sexyhot [Intermission]: worst game ever
*** koto [Warmup]: et is a funny game
*** IuR [Warmup]: :]
zen*** [Warmup]: TOU A CORTIR
*** koto [Warmup]: it makes me laugh irl
*** sexyhot [Warmup]: ahahahahahha
*** sexyhot [Warmup]: ahahahahahha
*** sexyhot [Warmup]: ahahahahahha
*** sexyhot [Warmup]: ahahahahahha
*** sexyhot [Warmup]: ahahahahahha
*** sexyhot [Warmup]: ahahahahahha
*** sexyhot [Warmup]: ahahahahahha
*** butchji [Warmup]: ?
WorldCup virtuje@kater [Warmup]: heads or tails?
*** archy [Warmup]: map lis!
*** archy [Warmup]: tails
*** archy [Warmup]: fuck!
WorldCup virtuje@kater [Warmup]: Braun :: Bremen :: Frost :: Radar
*** archy [Warmup]: ger admin!
WorldCup virtuje@kater [Warmup]: germany?
*** butchji [Warmup]: eh
*** butchji [Warmup]: braun out
*** archy [Warmup]: butchji need your config:<
*** archy [Warmup]: ok?
*** butchji [Warmup]: crossfire
WorldCup virtuje@kater [Warmup]: bremen / frost / radar
*** butchji [Warmup]: my profile
*** butchji [Warmup]: np
*** archy [Warmup]: no your msn
*** archy [Warmup]: LOL
*** archy [Warmup]: :]
*** koto [Warmup]: radar out
WorldCup virtuje@kater [Warmup]: bremen / frost
WorldCup virtuje@kater [Warmup]: protugal, side?
*** butchji [Warmup]: we got capital A tAli
*** koto [Warmup]: this
*** butchji [Warmup]: np
WorldCup virtuje@kater [Warmup]: tali will play for germany *he's happy now*
*** butchji [Warmup]: decider!
*** butchji [Warmup]: thats a real match of the week
*** butchji [Warmup]: very exciting
*** butchji [Warmup]: \o/
*** archy [Warmup]: <ooooooooo/
*** archy [Warmup]: hey butchji
*** archy [Warmup]: again?
*** archy [Warmup]: butchji sends a private message to gengis on crossfire: Why do you and pzyqo play with someone who is spoofing Winghaven and cheats? :-O
*** archy [Warmup]: p5'butchji: I mean its no problem to own humanized aimbotters - but not when they are as unhitable as Winghaven
*** archy [Warmup]: :-o
*** butchji [Warmup]: hmhmhm
*** butchji [Warmup]: not yet
*** archy [Warmup]: :]
*** archy [Warmup]: :]
*** butchji [Warmup]: maybe again
*** archy [Warmup]: ah ok sorry
WorldCup virtuje@kater [Warmup]: sup super?
WorldCup virtuje@kater [Warmup]: he's a co-admin
WorldCup virtuje@kater [Warmup]: good job
*** archy [Warmup]: :x
*** kMt [Warmup]: thx
*** archy [Warmup]: kMt: ugly tag kick him
*** sexyhot [Warmup]: even with admin its the same
zen*** [Warmup]: wait iur is mijaiting
*** archy [Warmup]: backraper!
WorldCup virtuje@kater [Countdown]: hf
*** wEAK [Countdown]: have fun!
[14:15]: Storage Wall destroyed!
[14:04]: The Main Door has been breached!
*** archy [13:55]: pls
[12:05]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
*** archy [11:35]: :[
[11:12]: The Service Door has been breached!
*** IuR [11:09]: :]
*** archy [8:53]: :[
[4:49]: The Allies have transmitted the Supply Documents!
*** snooplicator [4:48]: wp
[Intermission]: >>> Clock set to: 10:11
WorldCup virtuje@kater [Intermission]: gg
*** snooplicator [Warmup]: rup
*** snooplicator [Warmup]: p
*** snooplicator [Warmup]: l
*** snooplicator [Warmup]: s
*** archy [Warmup]: wait no tax!
*** archy [Warmup]: :]
*** archy [Warmup]: :]
*** archy [Warmup]: :]
WorldCup virtuje@kater [Warmup]: sexyhot's connection is doing good :-)
*** fLiXX [Warmup]: surprise
*** butchji [Warmup]: somehow now!
*** wEAK [Warmup]: coincidence
*** butchji [Warmup]: :XD
*** koto [Warmup]: stfu pls
*** wEAK [Warmup]: :-D
*** koto [Warmup]: will you?
*** snooplicator [Warmup]: mhm
WorldCup virtuje@kater [Warmup]: I'm the admin, you should shut it
*** koto [Warmup]: stfu
WorldCup virtuje@kater [Warmup]: childish behaviour like always
*** archy [Warmup]: butchji sends a private message to gengis on crossfire: Why do you and pzyqo play with someone who is spoofing Winghaven and cheats? :-O
*** archy [Warmup]: p5'butchji: I mean its no problem to own humanized aimbotters - but not when they are as unhitable as Winghaven
*** sexyhot [Warmup]: didnt notice yet
*** archy [Countdown]: :-o
WorldCup virtuje@kater [Countdown]: hf
[9:28]: Storage Wall destroyed!
[9:23]: The Main Door has been breached!
[9:02]: Match is PAUSED! (Allies)
*** snooplicator [9:01]: telefonanie
*** archy [9:01]: lieeeessss
[9:01]: Match resuming in 105 seconds!
*** archy [9:01]: :]
[9:01]: Match resuming in 90 seconds!
[9:01]: Match resuming in 10 seconds!
[9:01]: Match resuming in 9 seconds!
[9:01]: Match resuming in 8 seconds!
[9:01]: Match resuming in 7 seconds!
[9:01]: Match resuming in 6 seconds!
[9:01]: Match resuming in 5 seconds!
[9:01]: Match resuming in 4 seconds!
[9:01]: Match resuming in 3 seconds!
[9:01]: Match resuming in 2 seconds!
*** butchji [9:01]: hf guys!
[9:01]: Match resuming in 1 seconds!
[9:01]: FIGHT!
[8:23]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[7:34]: The Service Door has been breached!
*** butchji [5:47]: gG
*** archy [5:18]: gg
[5:04]: The Allies have transmitted the Supply Documents!
WorldCup virtuje@kater [Intermission]: gg, congratz germany
[Intermission]: >>> Objective reached at 5:08 (original: 10:11)
*** snooplicator [Intermission]: GG
[Intermission]: *** koto disconnected
NxM [Intermission]: gg
*** fLiXX [Intermission]: gg
*** kMt [Intermission]: wp
[Intermission]: *** snooplicator disconnected
[Intermission]: *** butchji disconnected
[Intermission]: *** fLiXX disconnected
[Intermission]: *** ... disconnected
[Intermission]: *** haZer disconnected
[Intermission]: *** sou o zen da ekipa disconnected
[Intermission]: ETL d0g * disconnected
[Intermission]: zen*** disconnected
*** archy [Intermission]: gg, congratz admin
[Intermission]: *** IuR disconnected
[Intermission]: *** archy disconnected
[Intermission]: *** sexyhot disconnected

These stats are experimental and while we usually get very accurate numbers we can't guarantee they are 100% spot on. You can however view the endroundstats: Those are the endroundstats 1:1 how they were spammed on the server console, they are guaranteed to be correct (unless they're off, which sometimes happens too :p).
Some examples that will definitely break stats:

  • Server crash / restart
  • Players reconnecting with new ids
  • Too many random renames between rounds

Credits to the author of StatWhore of which we borrowed the awards and the general layout of the stats.
Thanks to Hannes who made the software that extracts all the stats from tv demos available to us.