Justice vs head hunters (4020 views)

fi lordi
fi sungi
pl ElvIss
pl rIDJI
<LORDI> do new challenge
<LORDI> sungi says so
<LORDI> we want to see your map in the challenge
<LORDI> adler/supply maps

<LORDI> We can ply only if u took sd as ur map
06.11.11 17:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 2on2 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: samael' (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 10638
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 28


oh you :P gl hf

fake quote btw

<LORDI> but can you pick supply as your map, please?

gl polaks :)
GL :h
<Elviss> i clean toilet for living
mhm ofc :))
mhm reply
btw kto to jest ten samael'? wasz menadzer?
to jest ich czarnuch, po meczach ma tez inne zadania
to izi for headhunterz
You have € 250 on dk Justice
You won € 3222.5

You have € 3234 on :h
You lost
You have € 5000 on :h
You lost
You have € 250 on dk Justice
You won € 3222.5

huhuhu chwala i bogactwo.
lordi dmg hero
You have € 250 on dk Justice
You won € 3222.5

chuj ci w brudne dupsko :/
gg wp rank 2 now :)
glitz,Jyrkz: sungi & LORDI
glitz,Jyrkz: they are one of the best 2on2 teams at the moment :D
glitz,Jyrkz: maybe the best
nice teamwork guys
I think you might have a spot in premier division next season, good luck.
samael aka subakk requestujesz ich mecze lizodupie xD
nie wiem czy Cie to boli czy co, wiem ze to ktos inny reqestuje :)
nie boli ale smieszy :P
jest i krystian ;** co sie na mircu nie pojawiasz?:(
jezeli samael to wg. Ciebie subak, to jebnij sie w ten twoj pusty leb gargulcu :XD
why mi dajesz reply ?:[
debilu jebany to tak samo jak ty zrobisz sobie nick wiesiek i bedziesz pisal jako wiesiek garbaty knurze
aj roni w formie :D
jak zawsze ;) a Ty co dalej w to grasz :D ?