Germany vs Finland (25599 views)

de butchji
de drago
de Hatred
de haZer
de snoop
de wEAK
fi cadein
fi Iron
fi jauhis
fi Squall
fi twidi
fi Xpaz
WorldCup - Losers Bracket Final
12.07.07 22:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: WorldCup
Manager: NxM (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Radar
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Broadcasted by

Radio Commentary
de GIGA.listen (Mashed & FlyingDJ)
By: Mashed
Listen to Mashed
Language: de
de HeadShot Radio Shoutcast
By: bandiT
Listen to bandiT
Language: Polish
de Sonatix Radio
By: lblbw
Listen to lblbw
Language: de

Total Slots: 5,550
Listener Peak: unknown

Enemy Territory TV
cz eeriness ETTV
By: Smejky (ettvd)
de .MowL/ETTV-One
By: Hartlight (ettvd)
de [] - ETTV 1
By: sHiZo (ettvd)
de #aGu - ETTV by
By: coOles (ettvd)
de #fayntic ETTV 1
By: h3ll (ettvd)
de #LoFT ETTV1
By: DerGraf- (ettvd)
de #Sonatix.ETTV
By: lblbw (ettvd)
de #sonatix.ETTV2
By: lblbw (ettvd)
de #Team.xT ETTV 1 by
By: nobadi (ettvd)
de dropshot's ETTV
By: h3ll (ettvd)
de, Hub/Recorder 1 (30 slave slots)
By: andyF1 (ettvd)

de #1
By: Broodman (ettvd)
de OldMans - ETTV 1
By: 8Bits|Skydriver (ettvd)
de pWend!!! ETTV1
By: mUnduS (ettvd)
de vp.ETTV.Server
By: arni (ettvd)
By: GLH-Candyman (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 844


gogo malczik!
Smietana show'em your square face and Unknown1 will surely win!
gl Aussies<3
we want some shoutcast in english (pls)
Aussies wont play @ 5AM...
What says it will be them playing?
i agree on that one
Go Finland!
i bet on germany because butchij replyed to my comment once =]
and because butchij is goooooooooooooooooooooooooooood =]

edit: damn i cant bet , dont have money =] xD
aus gonna play @ 7 am? gl :D
even if this match won't turn out all right for germany, anyway, as to aiming we have by far the best individuals in ET at the moment - 1. butchji 2. weak / snoop
as we see when ger play with pol ? kkthnxbye
i said INDIVIDUALS, not TEAM. taken as a whole, poland has currently the world's best team. But it is incontestable that, at present (virtually since 2006), butchji is the best ET player in the world with regard to aim.
Yeah mAus and mystic are MILES behind...
so tr00 :s
let us say: they are far-off. as we do some "examinations" in terms of ET in informatics, we've generated a figure that illustrates you the best aimers right now:

1. butchji
2. weak
3. snoop
4. mystic
9. maus

based on what?
plZ mAus/butchji > the others
first 3 are jerman kidys you must be one of the most stupid jerman s :)
Oh please... You've GOT to be kidding me. Have you actually seen mAus' aim? It's a lot better than a "ninth" place.

1 mAus
²nd mystic
3rd butchji
4th reload
5th kiss
Niet zo bescheiden zijn, je bent veel beter dan die noname "maus" !
kiss > mystic imo :P
no, virtually, i'm not kidding. this is the way you see it, but outcomes of our project thesis show that butchji is by far the best.
Really? Then send me the wonderful thesis.
agree with tommy tbh :o
mystics aim is nothing compared to butchjis and mauss...
your thesis sucks, you didn't pass for it. Although I doubt it is based on any scientific fact. btw: 1 = vindicator! (and Teente is right imo)
1= me idd, but it's not nice to say that, so i stay modest :P
tr00 even squall's aim >mystics aim

i don't know how can wEAK and snoop scientificly be better aimers than mAus squall or mystic....
squalls aim is downloaded... :P
hmm...awarded with a prize for the software we have written in order to measure aim performance and graded with an A (1,3) for the related term paper. to my mind, it does not suck. but u seem either to be jealous or not that intelligent. hence you cannot understand this complex program...
hmm... I don't care whatever prize you got for it, I want a name instead of "we won a prize but it's too pro for u" :P
Germany FTW
2-1 Holland
Aus shall defeat you
hehe Finland pwnzor 'em all! :)
germany will pwnz fin ffs
finland already won once, wont be a problem this time either
finland already won once, wont be a problem this time either
finland already won once, wont be a problem this time either
Gamestah will try to organise a shout cast for this game... Considering it's at 6AM on Saturday morning it might be a bit of a stretch, but we will see what we can do.

how about not watching finland play?
saint will lead fi to victory!
finally you say something right
fin imo

Suomi voittaa tän maailman mestaruuden leikiten :)
BTW how cani make radio working? :F i wanna hear mashed fastfast-speaking :) - download this =]
gogogo malczik !
close one!
Dear god, please let them pracc for once!
not allowed to know =P
bb yermany
thanks mashed hope winamp will wooooork :)
close one!
Your bet: 20€ on FIN Possible Win: 40.00 € (+20.00 €)
go fin^^
gl de GERMANY! :]
hope GER will take it :>
pracc it!
ger will take this
no chance for ger
plz don't play any later GER =]
Finland! Gl & Hf
GL Suomi :)
hmm mystic , saintt , raveneye , jauhis , xpaz & squall ?

would like that x)
parodia welcome back :)
squall [parodia] imo
FInland ftw!
butchji will take this ;) ...go ger go !!!!!!! i bet all my money on you , so dont dissapoint me ^^
hf fin

Hard Match, but nothing is impossible!
GL Ger you will need it a lot but you know a little bit of luck and skill equals win:)
ohhh just shut up ffs ok ;o?
what is your problem ok? you are Bel so stfu ...
so what's wrong with Belgian ppl?
did I say that I don't like you contrary i don't have any argument to hate you. You started...
im butchji's fan so stfu I also like shewie ganon mAus d4v1d :) so i rly don't understand your speech to me...
u rly dont understand much so plz su, poor kiddie
grrr .. worst case for.. me... love both teams :P
4:2 ger
25 on finland

GG finland
<3 mashed, but why is tosspot not casting? again!
GoGoGo chmpp!! :P:P
go go go malczikk & general
GL & HF deutschland ^^
fin>ger ;)
lineups ?
GER ofc
Go-Go Team-Finland
6am I think
gl squall
4:2 for finland
fin lineup:

fi cadein
fi Iron
fi jauhis
fi Squall
fi twidi
fi Xpaz
k n1 lineup fin xDDDD ger ftw
no mystic no win :]
no mystic no win so ger hf
hf ger,mashed : )
where's mystic?
where's raveney?
imo FIn , btw smietanas picture: look down for nick smietana :)
nice xDDDDDD
butchji der cybergames owner xDDDDDDDD
also known as test :DDD
WTF ?? !!!! Fin Fin Fin Fin !!! Win :D
Good luck for Finland....and for Germans also :-)
GL cadein, Iron, Squall, twidi and Xpaz!
i think ger 4 - 2 fin , but finland gl , germany have fun :)
imo fin lineup should be: squall, raven, saint, jauhis, xpaz and mystic;) I dont really know whose side to be on actually:( If urtier would be playing, id be for ger cause utier is sexy as hell!:)
urtier&senji not playing for ger - "too skilled"
i think fin's lineup should be mystic, jauhis,xpaz, jafo,saintt and raveneye P:
Good luck Finland, especially Xpaz!!!
sonatix radio lol

man versteht dich nich nur so zur info .. rede bisschen deutlicher xD
does mystic play finland?
this gonna be interesting match
no mysse no voitto, no sainTt no voitto, no raveneye no voitto : <
Germany vwill win !
butchji is playing?
gl germany
qraigu stellt lineup also viele spieler von aux... weil es maximal 4 oder 5 spieler von einem team in einem nationalteam sein dürfen sind butchji und snoop noch drin :x
well if both arent in, they wont win;) and in Nations Cup there was allowed 3 men from 1 clan
debutchji snoop hazer weak hatred drago
^germany :)
1 : 0 germany
2-0 ger
GER 3 - 1 FIN
great defense germany, bb money
3-1 GER
3-1 ger, wp both
n1 mashed
zal kurwa twidi ma zajebisty team brak mystica reavvanya i lepariego daleko zajda gg
OMG, pls speak english here noobcake
4-0 :/ for ger
sorry Germany, when I said gl against poland I meant gl against Netrunners. My bad. gg :)
Great defending. :)
Was almost sure FIN was gonna take radar, but the germans stood strong:P
wp GER

Mashed's Shoutcast was amazing as always.
gg both :>
n1, 2 fullholds :>
Butchji u made my sun shine again,to bad I like Squal and Butchji
fuck i hate germany, wp.
gg wp
yeah butchji owned !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
und die anderen ham auch richtig gut gespielt!
Klar Butchji allein macht die Suppe nicht fett
tzz lost money..
haha ghanalein :X
rofl ghana,next match bet on ger ftw
ich hab "immer" auf ger gesetzt & immer haben sie verloren & nun.. son shiZe, aber n1 shoutcast.
ach fu sachse, machtah doch mit absicht! :<
Nice snoop wir wollen im Final mehr sehen, grüß alle, wir lieben Euch !!
...NOT -.-
Ich <3 nur mich ...aber erst später -no ettv
aaaaaaaahja o:
Ghanalein,hast mich noch lieb?
no teamplay? w00t oO
Nein, disserin.
Ich habs nicht so mit dem rapstorn
selber schuld ghana......
reply bitte :D olle quacktasche
ich bin wenigstens fettarm:)
REPLY!!!! :D
was machst eig so ET bezogen?
Mashed has the smallest bladder in the ET community. ;)
wp German, gl against netrunners
nice :o
mashed <3333333333333333333333333333333333 awsome cast, wp mate, and unlucy fin, some super snipage via squall :DDD